The Brawl Between Demons Ch. 7

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Izuku was standing in front of everyone, Goliath shimmering in the sun light. The flowers around Izuku's feat began to wilt and die. The scars on Izuku's face basking in their glory as Diane spoke up "Izuku... Is that actually you?" Izuku turned and with a slight nod from his head confirmed it.

Dreyfus seemed displeased with the new arrival of the long lost member of the Eight Deadly Sins "An ant is still ant, no matter what name it was given." Izuku in return gave a grin "The question is, which of us is that ant?" Dreyfus gained a grin of delight "How about I show you wh-!" In a split second Izuku was behind Dreyfus, sword in the ground with a new coat of blood staining the Sacred Treasure.

The grass had now gone from a bright green to a deep red as the rich liquid of mortals stained it. Distain, sadness, and rage were the most presented emotions whilst the blade rested in the stained grass. Izuku turned around revealing the eyes of his people, the Demon Race and the wings of his people the Fairy Race.

Izuku is known as the Wolf Sin of Bloodlust, but before that he was called the Black Fairy. He went to the Fairy Kings Forest and slayed half the fairy population, not even taking their souls, just for the thrill, of the kill. King had anger on his face as Chasteful began to transform only for Meliodas to put his hand out in front of him.

The simple order told King to hold off, for now. As the two arms began to fly back to their original body Izuku went for another strike, only for Dreyfus to block the blade with a magic barrier. A sinister from formed as Izuku began to struggle, the original strength he had shown beginning to wane as his sickness returned.

Izuku jumped back, coughing up blood. He hunched over as a huge stream of his blood poured out, the power that he had once shown fading faster than ever. Izuku's sword fell from his hands as the stream kept going, his skin turning white as he lost more blood. Izuku looked at Dreyfus as the last ounce fell with a smile.

Dreyfus was curious about what the dying fool would have to smile about "Blood Bond!" The blood reached forward and attached to Dreyfus "B-bastard! What did you do!" Izuku began laughing "This is my magical power, Blood, it allows me to create links in my body to another's. Slowly I can completely mimic any injuries, memories, or even sickness upon others!" Dreyfus was awestruck as he began to cough up blood.

Izuku began laughing hysterically as his sin took control "And as such, I can make my oppONENTS BLEED!!!!!! NOW BLEED FOR ME DREYFUS! SHOW ME THAT BEAUTIFUL RED!!!!!!!!!" As everyone began to see Izuku's true self the blood that came out of Dreyfus turned to spikes and pierced holes into him "Yes, yes, YES!!!! GIVE ME MORE BLOOD, I WANT TO SEE YOU PALE! I WANT TO SEE YOU LIFELESS!!!!!! I WANT TO SEE YOU DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!" The blood retracted and began to rapid stab Dreyfus in his chest.

Izuku's wings went from their glimmering white to an abyssal black. The insanity in his eyes growing more abruptly than a weed. He continued to scream more until he couldn't help but laugh extremely hard "IZUKU! You need to stop this torture this instant!" Izuku's laughter stopped along with all movement in his body.

Slowly his eyes began to inch towards Meliodas until he was looking at him directly "Capitan~! How long has it been since I last saw you? Oh, right! after you all locked me in the dungeons of Liones! Ever since you stopped GIVING ME FOOD!!!!!!!!" Izuku suddenly appeared next to Meliodas putting his demonic claw on his shoulder "It's been twenty years since I've last seen you bleed!"

Meliodas who had only thought it had been ten looked at Izuku only to be swatted away like an unwanted pest "I can't hold back any longer~! IT'S TIME FOR A FEAST!!!!!!!! BLOOD FEST!" The blood on the ground, dried and fresh began to float up into the air "RAIN OF TORMENT!!!!" The blood began to seek after Meliodas resulting in him needing to dodge out of the way.

Izuku had been so focused on trying to cut Meliodas that he forgot about Dreyfus. Dreyfus leaped at Izuku with a knife in hand, and stabbed him in the kneck. Izuku collapsed to the ground, bleeding and looking dead. Dreyfus looking back at Meliodas for his neck to have a cut in it "The hell!? I killed him! How is this happening!" Slowly Izuku began to stand up.

Dreyfus turned and saw the grinning devil, he leaned over Dreyfus's shoulder and rested it on it "Allow me to quote a person I know 'Because I am here'" Dreyfus began to bleed uncontrollably as all the blood impacted with Meliodas. A grin formed on Melodas's face as it happened and he quickly closed the distance between himself and Dreyfus "Thanks for the boost Izuku!" Izuku nodded returning to his crippled form.

The blood that had been stabbing Dreyfus, immobilizing him, had returned to no more than a puddle. Izuku watched as Meliodas used Revenge Counter to defeat Dreyfus. The light was extremely powerful but the biggest concern was Jiro and where she was.

Izuku looked up and saw that she was about to land so he told Meliodas to catch her. He did so and Jiro got to the ground safely. Izuku sighed in relief as his sickness weakened him further. Meliodas and the other members of the Eight Deadly Sins rushed over to their crippled member.

Izuku slowly stood in his feat, blood dripping down from his mouth. Elizabeth walked over and began healing him only for him to shake his head "There's no use, you can't heal someone's life energy, and that's the only way for me to regenerate my magic. I knew this would happen from using my life energy but... But I had to use it." Meeting walked over and did a quick check on him.

She stepped back stunned "How can you still be functioning at all?! Your life energy is near zero and yet your moving around this well!" Izuku sighed "Emotional power is the strongest form of power, and although I would never admit it to Jiro, I... I love her." The kind smile that all the sins knew very well came to the surface of their comrade "And it tears me up inside knowing I'll be leaving the living world soon."

Izuku dried the forming tears and stood up. He walked over and picked up Goliath, turning back to the other sins he smiled "All I need is some rest." Merlin nodded "Yes I do think that is for the best, you rest up so you can help us all again." Izuku nodded as he went to a hidden bed chamber that belonged to him.

The city looked almost the exact same from when he left. The walls stood high and strong and the houses had the same dull appearance. He walked by a small house and remembered all the times Gilthunder, Howzer, and Griamore met him there for training.

As he continued he saw many girls that used to try asking him out, were now married and had very young children. The fact that he was now reflecting upon all the things from his life shows his nearness to death. Izuku was happy for everyone, he knew that Diane had remembered who King was and knew they would find happiness soon.

Izuku continued to walk and walk seeing more that had changed. Then he saw it, a little girl had something he made years ago, a little dagger. To the right of the girl was a good friend of Izuku's, the very person he made that dagger for. She was much older now and had the look of a hardened warrior but she also looked happy. She was a retired Holy Knight and someone who had a lot of trouble holding big swords due to her hands getting damaged.

Izuku made her that dagger and found that she was a very good fighter. Now seeing that she has grown old and seems happy when the life brought a smile to his face.

Although he felt like he was the spirit of himself for nobody paid any attention to the old man that he was. He missed Britannia and knew that he was going to die here. The time he had left wasn't long as of his life force draining natural ad he gets older.

Izuku's breathing was off from anyone else around him. When he inhaled he tried to taste the air, to feel the breath, to allow the air to path through the entirety of his body, because he would soon lose his ability to breath, his ability to move, his ability to feel, and his ability to live.

Izuku arrived at the hidden bed chamber and began to rest. He slept for two months straight, worrying Jiro to death. In all actuality he had turned his body off so that he didn't drain any life energy. I til the day of the King of Purgatory, the Ten Commandments were freed. The feeling of the seal being weakened awoke him from his slumber.

Izuku knew what time it was, and he wasn't scared, he knew his purpose, he knew how useful he was, he knew it was time for the final fight, he knew that if it was time to say goodbye.

So that's chapter 7, I hope you all enjoy and the last chapter will be the longest in the first book. I estimate around 3000 words! JA NE!

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