Chapter 1. Cheating

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As we are done with the last photoshoot for this day, I hurriedly went to my office to grab my things. I wanted to go home early and prepare my plans to surprise my girlfriend. Tomorrow will be our 4th year anniversary and I plan to step up this relationship of ours. I already asked permission from her parents and they really support me with this one. She is really the girl that I want to spend for the rest of my life with.

I went inside my car and looked for my phone to call Jisoo. Jisoo and Seulgi are my best friends since high school. We are inseparable.

"Hi Lis."

"Chu, I'm coming to your house now. I will pick the things that I'll be using for tomorrow." I excitedly reply. Thinking about this makes me feel giddy.

"Seulgi already bought it. Are you sure about it Lisa?" I could feel the worry in Jisoo's tone. Within my 4 year relationship, they are not close with Nancy. So I understand their hesitance towards her.

"Of course, Chu. She loves me and I love her. I know she will said yes. And I will be the happiest person on Earth if that happens."

"I'm happy for you. Just remember that Seulgi and I will be here for you Lisa." With the three of us, Jisoo is the most mature. She may crack jokes but she is the best in giving advises.

I park my car in front of the jewelry shop after I went from Jisoo's place. They told me they want to help in preparing the surprise but I declined and said that I can manage. I want this surprise to be perfect and solely made by me. I went to the ring section and looked for the diamond ring that I really wanted to give to my future wife.

A middle-aged woman greeted me. "Good afternoon ma'am. What kind of ring do you have in mind?"

I pointed the ring enclosed in a black box. "I want to buy that ring."

"Oh, an engagement ring. The girl must be very lucky then." She replied.

"Oh, no. I'm the one how is very lucky to have her." It's true. Nancy and I met way back in college. She's one of the famous students in the university. I pursued photography and she became a model. She has this beautiful face that brightens my day. We became friends when we had our acquaintance party. And just like a camera, we just 'click'.

As I close the door of my apartment, I dialed Nancy's number. I called her earlier but she didn't respond. I understand though. Perks of having a model girlfriend. I called her for the third time and she answered.

"Hey babe. I miss you."

"Hi babe. Sorry, I haven't answer your call earlier. We had our meeting for our next photoshoot." She answered. I could feel the coldness in her voice but I didn't mind. Maybe she's just tired from earlier.

"It's okay babe. So you'll be here tomorrow night. At my place." I can't control the excitement in my voice.

"Yes, of course. But maybe I'll be late a bit. Is it okay?" She's been busy nowadays. We haven't had our alone time since last week. But as her girlfriend, I must understand her.

"Don't worry. I can wait."

We talked sometime until she wants to go to bed. "Babe, I'm sleepy already." She yawned at the end of the line. Such a cutie.

"Okay. Go to sleep now princess. Tomorrow's our big day." I smiled while thinking my surprise for her. She didn't respond and after a while, a soft snore can be heard. I know that she already asleep.

"Babe, I love you. Please remember that always."


I woke up early. I can't contain my happiness for tonight's event. I already think this for the millionth time but there's only one answer - I want spend the rest of my life with her.

Nancy and I have a smooth relationship. But through the coarse of time, we tend to know more about each other. One thing that I observed about her is that she is a jealous type. I remember one time when we had our lunch date, my co worker approached me and I could feel how her look shooted daggers towards my co-worker. It's very cute. I constantly kissed her lips to make her jealousy away.

I went on my laptop and played some love songs while preparing my apartment. I danced around while sweeping the floor. I placed my things on the sides to create a bigger space on the living room. I want this place to be perfect.

It's 5 in the afternoon when everything is set. I can't believe that I did all of these. I'm not an artistic person but for the love of my life, I will do everything. Such a cheesy line.

"This is for you babe." I took a glace of my masterpiece one last time before I went inside my room to prepare myself.

I looked at my wristwatch. It's already 7pm. Nancy will come anytime now. I'm sweating due to nervousness. I'm pacing back and forth while looking at the entire place. I heard my phone ringing knowing that I received a message.

Babe: Babe, I'll be there at 8.

Me: It's okay babe. Take your time. Do I have to pick you there?

Babe: No. I have my car. Just wait there.

Me: Okay babe. Be careful. I love you. ❤️


There's no I love you too? It's okay. Maybe she's just really busy right now. As I looked at the table, something's lacking. Then I remembered it.

"Lisa, how did you forget the wine? It's Nancy's favorite wine. You're such an idiot." I harshly talked to myself. I looked at my wristwatch again. I still have time to buy it before she comes.


I parked my car in front of the convenient store. I quickly grabbed Nancy's favorite wine and went straight to the counter.

"Will that be all?" The girl asked in the counter.

"Yes." I replied. I looked at the girl. She's wearing a vest with name plate on her left chest. JENNIE. That must be her name. She looked down like she's avoiding my gaze. I could tell that she's not feeling well because of her heavy breathing and her lips was very pale.

"Miss, are you okay?"

She stared at me as she nod her head. "Yes, just a bit dizzy. Maybe because of lack of sleep." Convenient stores usually open 24/7. Maybe that's why she's weak. I want to ask her once again but I felt that she didn't want to talk about it.

"Oh, alright." She gave me the wine. "Thank you." I turned around and existed the store. I looked for my keys while walking towards my car when I saw someone. I think it's Nancy. And she's with someone walking towards the other direction.

Instead of going inside my car, I followed them while still holding the wine. I think it's Nancy because of her body features. But I just want to make sure before jumping conclusions. I know that Nancy will not cheat on me.

As I followed them, I could feel the deafening beating of my heart. It's like I'm really hoping that I mistakenly looked the girl as Nancy. They arrived in the mini park while holding their hands. They sat on one of the benches. As I came closer to them, my tears started to fall when their face comes closer and their lips collided. I think my whole world shattered in front on me. I am not mistaken. It's Nancy together with her ex boyfriend, Jackson.

My body felt numbed. I can't breath all of a sudden. I didn't realized that the wine fell from my hands and shattered on the ground which causes the two of them to stop and looked where the noise came from.


Nancy was so shocked when saw me. But what angered me most is when I saw Jackson's smirk.

I heard Nancy's voice calling my name once again as I turned around while running through the darkness to escape the pain that I feel.


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