⧖ fifteen ⧗

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❝ July, 2013 ❞

Pain comes in many forms, from mentally to physically, and can be caused by anything from a bad breakup to broken bones

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Pain comes in many forms, from mentally to physically, and can be caused by anything from a bad breakup to broken bones. But, for Phoebe and Edward - who, for the first time since they've met, agree on this - their pain is caused by the tremendous heartbreak of Big Time Rush announcing an indefinite hiatus shortly after the airing of the final episode of their show.

Jasper walks through the front door, a handpicked bouquet of wildflowers in his grasp from his hunting trip. Emmett follows closely behind him, his hand reaching for the light switch to brighten the dark living room. The only source of light, aside from the kitchen, is the light cast by the television as the music video for Worldwide plays. Rosalie is suddenly in front of them, smacking his hand away with such force his wrist nearly dislocates.

"If you do anything to disturb them, both of you will live in the Tent of Shame for the next decade," she hisses, ignoring her husband's pouts. "Alice says they're not going to get along again until 2020."

"Who are you-" Jasper trails off, finally spotting the duo in question.

Edward and Phoebe lay face down on the carpeted floor, one hand clasped in each other's for comfort as they come as close to crying as vampires are able to. Neither even notice as the video starts over, playing the song for what has to be the twentieth time since the news broke. The rest of the family stands huddled together in the doorway leading to the kitchen, watching the rare occurrence with a mixture of awe and horror.

"I'm sorry, Rose," Emmett apologizes, a sly grin forming as he ducks under her arm meant to prevent them from moving further. "But if them bonding means she's going to be as sad as pre-Bella Eddie, then I don't want it."

Before she can stop him, he's standing between the two practically lifeless bodies in the living room. He kicks Edward's side to get him to at least roll over, while holding out a hand to gently help Phoebe back to her feet.

"Come on, guys," he pleads, attempting to boost their morale. "What are we?"

"I'm not saying it," Edward groans, grabbing a pillow off the couch to continue moping in the floor.

"What are we?" Emmett repeats.

"Bad bitches, not sad bitches!" Phoebe chimes in, a smile finally crossing her features.

"That's the spirit!" Emmett whoops, high-fiving her.

"Besides," Renesmee adds from the dining room, where she's enjoying a midnight snack. "At least the greatest boyband of all time is still together-"

"One Direction!" Phoebe finishes her sentence.

"The Jonas Brothers," Edward concludes at the exact same time, pushing himself to his feet.

A collective sigh of relief sweeps through the house as Phoebe lunges for him, the world finally returning to it's rightful balance as they flip over the back of the couch and to the floor.

At some point during their argument, a recliner is lifted, but Esme makes the duo go outside before any furniture can be harmed. Bella and Jasper watch amusedly through the windows as the fight escalates, with Edward cheating by reading what her next moves will be and Phoebe growing more aggressive with each hit he dodges.

"They're such drama queens," Bella says through a giggle just as Edward is thrown so hard he hits a tree.

"But they're our drama queens," Jasper agrees, the wildflower bouquet still in his hands while he watches his mate in awe. "I can't wait to marry her one day."

Phoebe freezes, wondering if she heard the conversation occurring inside the house correctly. Edward takes full advantage of her distraction, kicking her legs out from underneath her so that she falls harshly to the ground. She latches onto his ankle before he can move away, yanking to bring him down as well.

He groans, rubbing the back of his head despite the fact that there's no possibility a bruise could be forming. When no more derogatory insults fly from Phoebe's mouth or thoughts, Edward glances over at her to see her eyes wide with shock. She silently implores the question crowding her mind, receiving the smallest of nods from him in confirmation.

From the living room, their mates wonder if the newfound stillness between the two should be worrying, ultimately deciding against risking getting caught in between their crossfire and to continue to watch from a safe distance.

The fight ultimately comes to a draw as Phoebe overturns the simple sentence Jasper spoke again and again. She continues to press Edward with questions, for once not protesting his invasion of her private thoughts as he answers only with shrugs of his shoulders or nods and shakes of his head, knowing better than to let Jasper know they overheard by answering verbally.

The idea of marrying the love of her life isn't new to Phoebe. In fact, she's known she would say yes to Jasper ever since the day he gave her his ring. But to have it confirmed that he feels the same and to know that he's planning to pop the question is an entirely different situation altogether.

In the blink of an eye, Phoebe is standing in front of Jasper and the pure happiness radiating from her is enough to cause him to have to take half a step back.

"I'm assuming you won," he chuckles, proudly presenting the bouquet with the eagerness of a small child. She smiles, tugging him into a tender kiss before smelling the slightly wilted flowers.

"We agreed to disagree," Edward corrects from where he now stands next to Bella, pouting when she refuses to kiss him due to the dirt all over his face. "But if it's brought up again, the loser has to repeat high school."

"That's a little harsh." Jasper winces at the mere thought of all of their dreadfully boring high school experiences. "What happened to the usual Tent of Shame punishment?"

"That's way too easy for such a serious offense against legendary boybands," Phoebe explains as though it should be obvious.

"Exactly," Edward agrees, nodding solemnly. "And honestly, the idea of high school doesn't bother me as much as it used to. After everything Bella's human life put me through, I have no fears."

"What if one day I was taller than you?" Phoebe counters.

"I have one fear."

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