⧖ eight ⧗

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❝ September, 2012 ❞

❝ September, 2012 ❞

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Phoebe smiles softly, admiring her own reflection in the floor-length mirror in Alice's room. An elegantly simple black dress - which technically belongs to Tanya though she's only wore it once, on a date with a mysogynistic man who was conveniently never heard from again after that encounter - hugs her body, coming to a stop just above her knees. Her hair, courtesy of Esme, has been teased into perfectly coiled curls. Kate and Rosalie combined efforts and worked together on Phoebe's makeup, working tirelessly to perfect the look they have in mind.

Carmen held Phoebe's hand throughout the entirety of this process, offering silly jokes and stories to distract her from her worries. Any outsider witnessing all of the fuss would assume she's being prepped for a wedding, not a mere date.

All that is left is for Phoebe to put on shoes, but the women can't seem to agree on which pair it ought to be.

"These heels compliment her legs," Alice states.

"But these flats are better for where Jasper is taking her," Rosalie counters.

"Don't worry," Bella reassures Phoebe as the sisters continue to argue. "I keep sweatpants and Converse under the seats of all of our cars so I can always change if I don't like what Alice forces me into."

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the house, a very different conversation is occurring in Garrett's room.

"What ever happened to bros before hoes?" Emmett grumbles, clearly upset about being left behind for a night out.

"Don't call Phoebe a hoe," Jasper says, barely glancing at his brother's reflection as he readjusts his shirt for the thousandth time.

"I didn't," he retorts, now confused. "You're the hoe, Jazz."

Carlisle and Eleazar struggle to conceal their amusement as Carlisle fixes his son with a mock glare. Garrett, on the other hand, laughs loudly and high-fives Emmett.

"You boys can insult each other later," Carlisle scolds. "Right now, Jasper needs our support and to be reassured that everything will go smoothly."

"He thinks you're doomed," Edward calls the older man out.

"No one likes a snitch, son."

"Why am I doomed?" Jasper questions, turning to face the group of men.

They all share a look and he can't help but to frown as he senses the uneasiness all of them seem to share.

"I'm just worried about what she'll think of the necklace you bought her," Carlisle finally says.

"What's wrong with it?"

"Dude, seriously?" Emmett asks incredulously. "No one in their right mind likes topaz jewelry."

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