⧖ eleven ⧗

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December, 2012

❝ December, 2012 ❞

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Per Jacob's request to ensure none of the vampires try to to poison them, Phoebe sits at the kitchen with table with him and Charlie while Carlisle and Eleazar bake cinnamon rolls. Paul is still asleep in the guest bedroom he and Jacob shared, though they're confident he'll join them once he smells the breakfast.

With everyone too excited about the holiday and the majority of them quite literally not being able to sleep, the family had exchanged Christmas gifts long before the sun had a chance to rise. Phoebe is already changed into her favorite gift - a sweater from Paul and Jacob that says 'Valid Bloodsucker' in bold letters.

"So," Charlie breaks the silence, looking into his coffee mug as though it'll provide a good conversation starter. "Jacob tells me you made Edwin live outside for a week. Is it true?"

"No, actually," Phoebe corrects him with a proud smile. "Edweird lived outside for two weeks."

"Now I understand why you're the favorite," he says with a chuckle. "Keep up the good work."

"Don't worry," Carlisle teases as he pulls a hot baking sheet out of the oven. "She doesn't need any encouragement."

As if on cue, Paul comes down the stairs, clearly having woken up mere seconds prior as he sniffs the air like a dog. He perks up when he spots the perfectly baked cinnamon rolls and reaches for one, but Eleazar smacks his hand away.

"Go sit," he orders, pointing to the table. "No one gets any until after they've been frosted."

A pout forms on the shirtless boy's lips, though he listens nonetheless and claims the seat next to Jacob. It doesn't last long though, and is replaced with a smile as he notices Phoebe's outfit.

"I didn't think you actually liked it," he admits.

"Are you kidding? I love it," Phoebe reassures him. "Alice, on the other hand, doesn't feel the same way. She's upset with the two of you because she's seen that I'm hardly going to take it off until winter ends."

"Tell me about it," Jacob mutters with an eye roll as he rubs his bruised shoulder. "She punched me because of it."

"Oh, that reminds me," Phoebe says, holding her hand out as she looks at Paul. "Give me your hand."

He immediately obliges before thinking to question the action. "What for?"

"I didn't have time to buy you a gift since we didn't know you were coming too," she admits, producing an intricately woven and beaded bracelet from her back pocket. In one fluid and lightning fast motion, she has it tied around his wrist. "So I made you this friendship bracelet!"

"Thanks, but it's kind of hard to keep up with jewelry," he explains, though his heart warms with the simple gesture as he examines it. "With the werewolf shifting and all."

"You don't have to wear it if you don't-"

"No, I'm gonna wear it forever," he cuts her off, clutching the bracelet to his chest defensively. "Back off."

Phoebe holds up her hands placatingly, glancing around just in time to see Edward attempting to sneak past the mistletoe hanging in the kitchen's doorway.

"Uh-oh, look who's under the mistlefoe!"

"Don't you mean mistletoe?" Jacob asks.

"Nope. Instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever is under it," she explains as though it's obvious. "So mistlefoe."

Edward rolls his eyes and goes to enter the kitchen, only for everyone to immediately yell at him to get back under the decorative plant.

"Bella, my love," he calls out sweetly, glancing back into the living room. "Will you please get me out of this trap?"

Bella doesn't have to be asked twice, practically throwing herself over the back of the couch to get to the entryway. Expecting her to go easy on him, Edward doesn't bother to brace himself, only to be flung into the empty chair next to Phoebe and causing it to break as Bella roundhouse kicks him in the stomach.

"That's for buying me another diamond necklace after I told you not to."

Edward only groans in response, not moving from the floor for several moments as Charlie, Jacob, and Paul nearly fall to the ground from laughing so hard.

"That better not have been my table again," Tanya warns from the couch, not bothering to look away from the Hallmark movie playing on the television. "That's the third one this month!"

"It wasn't," Phoebe reassures her in between her fits of giggles, watching amusedly as the younger vampire slowly picks himself up and moves to sulk next to Carlisle. "Edward just doesn't know how to sit properly."

In Garrett's rush to high-five Bella, he takes one step too many and comes to a halt under the doorway, his eyes widening as he realizes what he's done. He attempts to back away before anyone can notice, but Bella immediately pushes him back under the mistlefoe, resulting in several curse words leaving his lips.

"Someone come punch me," he pleads, his voice barely above a whisper in the hopes of keeping his wife from overhearing. "Hurry, before Kate-"

"Before I what?" Kate questions innocently, appearing behind him in the blink of an eye.

Garrett shrieks and leaps away from the electricity crackling in her fingertips, dragging Jacob to his feet and using him as a shield.

"I'm confused," Charlie admits, glancing to Carlisle and Eleazar for answers as they bring the tray of cinnamon rolls to the table. "What's so scary about her?"

"You'll see," comes Eleazar's simple answer, earning an agreeing nod from Carlisle.

"Come on, sweetheart," Garrett reasons, all of his pride going out the window as his voice wavers in fear. "You can't use your own powers against your loving and devoted husband."

"Actually, she can. All relationships are null and void during any games or fights," Jasper points out smugly, standing just outside the doorway to watch the inevitable fight. "We voted it into a household rule last week. Remember?"

"You're on thin fucking ice, Ranger Rick."

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