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August, 2012

❝ August, 2012 ❞

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Phoebe sits on the living room floor, once again across from Garrett as they restart their checker competition from the day before. Her back rests against Jasper's legs, who's absentmindedly braiding her short hair as the others talk amongst themselves.

"What caused you to finally have to move?" Tanya asks, her question directed at no one in particular.

The room falls silent as all of the Cullens either look at Emmett or Bella. Emmett quickly pulls out his phone, pretending to take a call in order to avoid the conversation.

"Tell them," Edward says, nudging Bella's shoulder.

"I threw Emmett," she mutters, glaring daggers at her husband for calling her out.

"And then what happened?" He prompts, obviously amused by the situation.

"He fell through the roof of the police station."

Phoebe and Garrett glance at each other, and Jasper can't help but to laugh at their sudden shift from competitive enemies to excited children. Tanya, on the other hand, is not amused and doesn't need Edward's help to know what they're thinking.

"Absolutely not," she states, shutting down their idea before they get a chance to voice it. "You're lucky I still let you guys throw each other in the lake."

Garrett opens his mouth to argue, but Renesmee accidentally cuts him off.

"There's a lake?" She questions, successfully preventing an argument from starting.

"A few miles that way," Phoebe answers, gesturing vaguely towards the back of the house as she moves one of her red checkers forward.

"Isn't that cheating?" Rosalie, who's been watching the game from Jasper's side, asks. It's been years since she'd played the simple game and she found entertainment in the intensity Phoebe and Garrett played with.

"Can't cheat if you're-" Phoebe cuts herself off, a gasp of horror escaping her lips. "SON OF A BITCH!"

Jasper jumps at the sudden anger flaring from the girl, his hands falling from her hair as he watches her worriedly.  She refuses to glance back at him, hurrying to find a good defense for herself as the realization dawns on Garrett.

"That argument won't work," Edward warns, listening to her thoughts to figure out what caused her to yell.

"Stay out of my head, Ed," Phoebe snaps in return, fixing Garrett with a level look as he waits amusedly for her argument. "Technically, I'm still single."

"No, you're not! You haven't left Jasper's side since he got here," he points out. "You've worn his ring for a century, you're practically married."

"But have you heard him ask me to date him again? Or to marry him?" She counters. "No. Therefore, by definition, I'm still single."

"She has a good point," Carlisle agrees.

"Brits don't get opinions," Garrett huffs, flipping his friend off. "I think Jasper should get to decide whether or not her point is valid."

Phoebe finally looks up at Jasper, who in return glances down, allowing his hair to act as a curtain. She expects him to be upset with her for downplaying their relationship, but instead he winks discreetly with a smile before looking towards Garrett.

"Phoebe is right," he says, nodding solemnly. "I only assumed we were dating again. I never asked."

"So, what are you waiting for?" The older vampire prompts, motioning for him to make a move. "Ask her!"

"I will," Jasper agrees, grinning devilishly. "After you two finish your game."

"I knew I disliked you for a reason," Garrett retorts, crossing his arms. "New rule; cowboys don't get opinions either."

"It's your turn," Phoebe prompts, waiting for him to make a move.

"Not until either you agree to stop cheating or Kate agrees to divorce me while we play," he negotiates, refusing to look at the checker board.

"Not a chance," both Kate and Phoebe answer in unison.

Without saying a word, Garret pushes himself to his feet - purposefully moving slowly so that all eyes will be on him - and stalks out of the room to go pout in the kitchen. When no one follows to check on him, he mutters several curse words and marches upstairs like a scolded child.

"He's not really upset," Jasper informs the group, hoping to prevent anyone from feeling guilty about his antics.

"We know," Carmen laughs. "He just loves to be dramatic."

"Do not!" Garrett denies, shouting from his bedroom.

When it becomes clear that he's going to keep up the act for a little while longer, Phoebe relaxes against Jasper's legs again and changes the subject.

"What do you guys think of your rooms?"

After Carlisle and Esme visited two years ago, the Denali clan had set to work on repairing and redesigning the extra rooms they've never gotten a chance to use. Phoebe had been put in charge of decorating and painting the rooms, a job she ended up taking a little too seriously and with a great deal of pride.

"Edward hates the color of ours," Bella snitches smugly, causing her husband to gasp in betrayal.

She merely shrugs innocently as he glares at her, happy to have gotten back at him for calling her out earlier. With everyone waiting for him to defend himself, he sighs in defeat, knowing lying won't do him any good now.

"It's hideous," he admits. "Literally any other color would have been a better choice."

Phoebe fakes a pout, but Edward is quick to call her out on her bluff.

"I said what I said."

She disappears from her spot on the floor and in a matter of seconds, Edward's packed suitcases can be seen falling into the backyard from the second floor. Edward gawks, watching as Phoebe erects a makeshift tent with an old blanket and a couple of sticks she found before coming back inside with a serene smile.

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, she most definitely is," Eleazar comments, placing an understanding hand on his shoulder. "The Tent of Shame is no joke. I once had to spend three weeks in it."

"For what?" Emmett asks curiously.

"I got outvoted on whether or not water is wet."

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