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❝ 2010 ❞

❝ 2010 ❞

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"I apologise for showing up without much of a warning," Carlisle begins as Tanya guides him and his wife, Esme, into the living room. "But we thought it best that this conversation be held in person and not over the phone."

"Your company is always enjoyed, even when unexpected," Tanya reassures them, claiming a seat in one of the faux leather recliners as they sit on the couch. "What brings you here this time?"

"Alice has had a vision," Esme explains, her usual smile tinged with the hint of a frown. "She thinks we'll have to relocate soon."

"She's not sure when it will be. For all we know, it could happen next week, or even in the next decade," Carlisle continues. "But she's very adamant that we move to Alaska when we do have to leave."

"Let me guess," Tanya interjects, fairly certain she knows what they're here to ask. "It would be too suspicious if you moved back to the same part of Alaska you left under twenty years ago, so you want to know if you can stay here."

The couple share a look, the surprise written clearly on their faces, before nodding in confirmation.

"I, personally, don't have anything against it. And I know nearly everyone else will be excited to hear the idea," she begins, choosing her words carefully. "But I have to take Phoebe's feelings into consideration as well. She hasn't met any of you, as far as I know, and I don't want to force nearly a dozen new people into her life if she's not comfortable with it."

As if on cue, Phoebe enters the house. Her short, blonde hair is nearly identical to that of the Denali sisters, causing Esme and Carlisle to nearly miss the newest addition to the coven as she passes by, her entire body latched onto Garret's leg as Kate remains locked onto his other one.

"Tanya!" Both of the girls whine in unison, eliciting an amused smile from the oldest sister.

"We want to go watch Monsters vs. Aliens but Garrett hid the car keys!" Phoebe tattles, an exaggerated pout on her lips.

It's no secret that out of everyone in the coven, Tanya had been the hardest for her to win over. Yet, after only two years, she's managed to get the entire family wrapped around her finger.

It took a bit of convincing, but Phoebe and Tanya soon bonded over being the only ones within the coven without mates. Phoebe jokingly calls them the 'Single Sister Squad', though Tanya refuses to ever say those words. Garrett made comments for days about how you need at least three people in order for it to be considered a squad, but quickly stopped when Kate threatened to leave him to join their club.

Carmen had been the first person, aside from Kate and Garrett, to welcome Phoebe into their home with open arms. Her mate, Eleazar, wasn't quite as enthusiastic but still thinks fondly of the younger vampire. Though he's given up on ever teaching her how to play chess, he's slowly been teaching her how to speak in his native tongue instead.

After their initial encounter, Kate and Phoebe can't help but to admire each other's stubborness and strong will. Kate teaches her fighting styles she had learned from her tribe many years ago and, in return, Phoebe shows her adrenaline-filled ways to release her pent up energy that don't require using her electrokinesis on the nearest person.

While Kate had hoped being having Phoebe and Garrett around each other all the time would eventually tame the two of them, their psychotic dynamic hasn't changed in the slightest. Much like all of their brief visits, the duo are constantly finding new dangerous tasks and life-threatening bets to endure. Tanya, on more than one occasion, has threatened to ban them from being within speaking distance of each other.

"Only because-" their argument stops, however, as they spot the Cullens. Garrett grins and ambles towards his friend as though the vampires on his legs weigh nothing. "Don't tell me you have another demon child."

"Of course not," Carlisle chuckles good naturedly, holding his hand out for Phoebe to shake once Garrett is close enough. Without removing herself from his leg, she accepts the gesture, her silver ring catching Carlisle's attention as it clashes against his wedding band. "I'm Carlisle."

"And I'm Esme," the kind woman introduces herself as well, refraining from asking questions about the jewelry.

"The infamous parents," Phoebe says, giving the couple an appraising look as she realizes exactly who they are. "Edward spoke highly of you."

"You know Edward?" Carlisle asks, immediately wondering as to why his son wouldn't mention meeting her.

"Of course," she answers, grinning proudly. "I'm the one who convinced him to stop being a bitch and go back to you guys."

This seems to answer Carlisle's unasked question as his confusion disappears. In the blink of an eye, Phoebe is unattached from Garrett's leg and pulled into a fierce hug by both, Esme and Carlisle. She worries that, if vampires could cry, Esme would be.

"Thank you for bringing our son back to us," Esme manages to choke out, finding it hard to breathe now that the reason her family is whole is standing right in front of her.

"Even with the problems he's been known to cause, we wouldn't give him up for anything in the world," Carlisle adds, smiling fondly at the girl as he releases his hold on her. "I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you."

"You can start by moving in," Phoebe is quick answer. "I miss Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie."

"Are you sure?" Tanya questions, unable to hide her worry. "You haven't met the entire family. What if you don't get along with the others?"

"We can try it out, if that's what Phoebe wishes," Esme offers, glancing to her husband for reassurance. "If Jasper, Bella, or Renesmee aren't compatible, we'll find somewhere else to stay."

"I can't speak for Bella or Renesmee," Garrett speaks up, causing all eyes to fall on him. "But I'm willing to bet her and Jasper will get along perfectly."

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