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❝ 1950 ❞

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is a busy city, with new businesses and a constantly changing population that rivals even New York. The hustle and bustle and distracted nature that comes with cities such as this is what allows Phoebe to remain unnoticed no matter how long she stays. Unlike in small towns, no one in Philadelphia takes notice if her because they're too busy within their own lives. Odds are they don't know the name of their neighbor, let alone the name of the girl with odd eyes and pale skin.

Phoebe hums along to the upbeat song playing in the diner, watching through the large windows contentedly as rain washes over the streets. After spending all of her human life in the south, she finds herself quite fond of any weather that takes away the miserable heat.

The previously empty restaurant fills up quickly as everyone nearby rushes in, seeking asylum from the harsh element of nature. This only adds to her good mood and she smiles as the waitress is suddenlytoo overwhelmed to keep pestering Phoebe about eating a decent meal before going back to the hospital.

"Hi!" A bubbly voice exclaims, drawing her attention away from the street as a small girl with a pixie cut slides into the empty seat across from her. "I'm Alice."

Phoebe accepts the outstretched pale hand, shaking it as she introduces herself.

"Im-" she cuts herself off as she finally makes eye contact with the girl, struggling to hold back her surprise. She's not shocked that there's another vampire in the city; what shocks her is the eye color she's never seen on anyone but herself. "Phoebe."

"We're going to be great friends! Though, not quite yet," Alice rambles, only adding to Phoebe's shock as her eyes cloud over. It takes only a second for them to clear again, as though her mind had briefly flipped to another channel. "I can see you're still not ready to accept Edward's offer. He'll be sad to hear it."

"You know Edward?" She questions, trying to recall if the boy she met almost two decades ago had mentioned Alice. Phoebe frowns as a new thought occurred, wondering if he had purposefully lied to her about how small his coven is.

"Not yet," Alice admits, once again adding more to her confusion instead of clearing anything up. "I suppose I should explain."

Phoebe nods encouragingly and the rain knocking against the glass grows harder, setting the dreary mood for the tragic backstory that belongs to the fairy-esque girl.

Her human life, and the beginnings of her vampire one, had not been kind to her. With the only memories she could recall of her past being spent in an asylum known for how terribly they treat their patients and her creator being murdered soon after she was changed, it was impossible to see how Alice could be anything but miserable and angry with the world. Phoebe couldn't imagine her vampire life without Garrett in it, and she suddenly yearns to plan out another visit.

Instead of allowing the devastating blows the world keeps throwing to define her, Alice is making the most of her newfound life and Phoebe can't help but to admire her greatly for it. Using her ability to see different courses of the future to her advantage, she's set out to find the kind coven that will happily take her in.

"Is that what brought you to Philadelphia?" Phoebe asks, her gaze briefly flitting to the clock above the door to ensure she still has time. "Are the Cullens nearby?"

The odds of an entire coven being in the same city as her without her knowing it are quite high. For an apex predator, Phoebe isn't the most observant vampire. If the answer turns out to be yes, she considers going with Alice to meet them; not to stay, but to kick Edward's ass for being so close and not attempting to contact her.

"No," Alice answers with a laugh. "They're actually pretty far away right now. I'm only here to meet someone."

"Does this someone know you're meeting, or are they going to be blindsided with a new friend?" She asks amusedly, already growing fond of the younger vampire's unapologetic nature.

"He has no idea," she says, her smile growing wider. Laughing again at some private joke only she seems to be in on, she adds, "I think you'd love him."

"I wish I could be here when you two meet," Phoebe admits honestly, imagining what kind of reaction the person would have to her easily excitable nature. Pulling her jacket on over her scrubs, she smiles apologetically. "But I have to get back to the hospital."

Alice nods understandingly. "It's alright, we'll meet again soon."

Phoebe finds herself excited by the idea of seeing her newfound friend again, even offering to open her apartment to her if things don't work out with the person she's meeting or the Cullens as they bid each other farewell.

Pushing her way through the crowd, she pauses as she finally reaches the exit and pulls her hood on. Phoebe considers changing her course and going to the back exit, where no one will see her run off but decides against it, figuring she has enough time to walk - or run, as everyone else would see it - the couple of miles to the hospital.

The door opens, but she doesn't bother to glance up to see who's holding it. She mutters a half-hearted thank you, bracing herself for the onslaught of rain.

"My pleasure, ma'am," the man replies, with a voice Phoebe never thought she'd hear again.

She whirls around as the door shuts, eyes scanning for the mysterious stranger in the crowd. But both, he and Alice are nowhere to be found.

Reluctantly, Phoebe begins her walk to the hospital, the three simple words repeating themselves over and over in her mind. She knows that voice, but it couldn't possibly belong to the person she's thinking of.

Or, at least, so she thinks.

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