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❝ 1931 ❞

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Phoebe sits on the couch in her apartment, mindlessly flicking through a fashion magazine. Her shift at Boston's local hospital had ended only an hour ago, but she doesn't bother to change into a more comfortable outfit. Instead, she traded her dirty nurse's uniform for a clean one, considering the fact that her next shift starts in less than four hours.

In the past couple of years, due to stock market crashes and a nationwide panic many are dubbing the beginning of a great depression, her shifts have gotten considerably longer and closer together. It leaves her hardly any time to hunt, and more often than not, she's found herself considering giving up her vegetarian lifestyle to steal some of the blood bags that hardly ever get used.

Unlike every vampire she's met - which isn't very many - Phoebe has never felt attracted to the smell of human blood. If anything, after years of being a nurse, the workings of the human body repulsed her. This had surprised Garrett, the vampire that changed her, but luckily he had once encountered a vampire that survived off of a different diet and took it upon himself to teach her about it.

Something is slammed against the opposite side of the wall to her left, and the beginning of a scream is quickly silenced. Tossing her reading material aside, Phoebe pushes herself to her feet and moves to the hallway to investigate.

As she sticks her head out the front door, a boy that's not her neighbor is leaving the apartment next to her's. Wiping the blood from his chin, he freezes when his red eyes lock with her golden ones.

"He was going to hurt the women next door," he defends himself before abruptly turning on his heel.

"Not so fast," Phoebe retorts, her hand latching onto his elbow. Not allowing any room for protest, she yanks the stranger into her home and shuts the door. "You expect me to believe that Nick, the man that knits sweaters for his dog, was capable of hurting someone?"

"Yes," comes his curt reply. Agitated, she opens her mouth to ask more questions, but he beats her to it. "Did Carlisle ask you to check on me?"

Who the hell is Carlisle?


"Don't know Carlisle," he finishes for her, moving to walk back outside.

Phoebe once again stops him by grabbing his arm, glaring up at the stranger. Though he only physically appears three years younger than her, he has the maturity of a vampire freshly out of their newborn years, making her slightly stronger by default. He huffs in annoyance, as though reading all of the questions behind her eyes.

"Sit," she commands, directing him over to the gray couch. When he complies, she claims the cushion next to him and crosses her legs underneath her as she prepares to question him. "What's your-"

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