Colette's diary

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On the planet Venus , Apotre Venus rejoiced , she was immersed in reading Colette's diary . Throughout the pages , she let out , from time to time , a sneer of jubilation . Colette had to write in French , being also from a French-speaking European country , Venus can read it without problem .

Venus : '' ...Quand je reverrais Pam , je lui dirai qu'elle est gratinée . Aussi gratinée que les pizzas qu'elle mange d'habitude ! On trouve cette pizza la pizzeria du coin de la rue ; Pam va être aux anges ! ''*....That's cute ! This Colette had a beautiful handwriting...

She turns another page .

Venus : '' Si seulement Violet pouvait comprendre que parfois une belle mise en pli vaut mieux qu'une tisane ! ''**

She came across the page where Colette had written her thoughts on Apotre Luna .

Venus : ... Ooh ... even she had to write about Luna...

Turning the page of the notebook , Venus discovers the names of the protective goddesses of the Thea Sisters . And even the phobia of every Thea Sisters .

Venus : Interesting...

Her eyes travel from paragraph to paragraph and page to page . After the half hour of reading and rereading , Venus was done reading , then looked at the photos Mercury had taken today in Mouseford . The idea already lit up in the head of Apotre Venus .

Venus : I know...Mercury !

Her comrade arrived .

Mercury : Yes ?

Venus : I need your talent writing to give me a paw ! Colette's diary is hot , very hot ! She had written a bunch of very interesting topics . She even talks about her dear teacher Thea Stilton ! Her good friends and our dear Luna ! All !

A flicker of curiosity and malice lit Mercury's face .

Mercury : And ? What do you want us to do with it ?

Venus : This passage for example that I will translate it to you ; Paulina keeps telling me : " You have to learn to travel light ! " » But nothing to do , it's stronger than me ; every time I leave , I pack whatever comes to hand in my luggage , for the simple reason that everything seems essential to me ! Result ... I always end up fighting with a suitcase that re-locks ! ''. So here is what we are going to do ; all it takes is a little imagination , a few small adjustments ... and thanks to your help , I will have a nice report !

Mercury : Fantastic ! That suits me ! I already have several ideas in mind !

* "... When I see Pam again, I will tell her that she is au gratin. As au gratin as the pizzas she usually eats ! You can find this pizza at the pizzeria around the corner; Pam is going to be in heaven ! "

** " If Violet could understand that sometimes a nice styling is better than a herbal tea ! "

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