Lost in woods and spiteful stories

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Far from it , Pamela was starting to get angry , she stared at the needle of her compass .

Pamela : Dafuq ! Isn't this way north !

Paulina : Impossible ! The sun is over there and the moss is growing on this side of rocks .

Paulina pulled her own compass out of her bag and looked at it , shook it and stared at again . In the end , she put it back and spread her arms .

Paulina : I don't know what to think...

The girls examined the maps from various angles .

Paulina : Something's not right...According to this , there should be a lake right under our feet !

Worried , Paulina looked at her friend .

Paulina : What do we do ?

Pamela : Well , i'm not going to stand here and let the grass grow beneath my paws ! Let's head toward the valley . Then we'll figure out how to get back to Mouseford .

Paulina : By the way , where is Brown ? She still not coming yet !

Pamela : We'll find her , let's go !

They followed a barely marked path in the heart of the forest . But , the more they advanced , the more the inter-throwing of branches and vegetation became more dense . The daylight filtered more and more weakly between the foliage , the temperature began to drop and the ground became more and more dangerously slippery .

Pamela : *slipped* Wouah !

Paulina : Be careful !

Pamela : I can't see , god damned !

Several yards from them , Apotre Mercury hid behind a tree . He took the pill that Venus had given him , put it in his mouth and bit it down . Instantly , Mercury morphed into Thea Stilton ! His body , fur and eyes are changing .

Thea (Mercury) : Wow ! So , this is how be a woman !

Mercury , in the form of Thea , comes to the fore . On the side of the girls , they find it difficult to orient themselves in the dark . Then they heard a very familiar voice .

??? : What are you doing here , mouselings ?

When Paulina and Pamela turned , they were very surprised to see .... Thea , alone and halfway through the forest . Meanwhile , the editorial staff of the Lizard Club was getting ready to meet to discuss the data that had been collected . Colette , Nicky and Violet headed for the meeting room .

Colette : Has anyone seen Pam ?

Violet : I haven't seen her or Paulina since the last night . When was the last time you heard from them ?

Colette : This morning they were supposed to go to Raim Plain with Brown .

Nicky : I guess we'll catch up with them at the meeting .

Around the corner , Apotre Venus was hiding , she took one of her pills and munched it , turning into Vanilla de Vissen . She made her way to the meeting room as well , reaching out to Alicia and Zoe .

Alicia : You're finally there , de Vissen ! We thought you will arrive late as often .

Vanilla (Venus) : I decided to coming early !

Zoe and Alicia found that her voice was a little different , but they were unable to ask her questions . The editors settled around the tables .

Tanya : Good to see you , my friends ! Are we all here ?

Nicky : Pam , Paulina and Brown aren't here yet . Has anyone seen them ?

Zoe : I haven't seen Brown since this morning .

Alicia : Me either .

Tanya : Well , let's get started . First we should take a look at our drafts . And then , when Bernaldez comes in , she can update us on the blog .

The girls took out their note folders and began to compare their work . An animated murmur invades the room .

Student#1 : Read this !

Student#2 : Look what i found !

Student#3 : What a scoop !

Vanilla (Venus) : Okay , everyone , one at a time ! Please , let's start with our lead story . I have big news to share !

With an evil glint in her eyes , Vanilla (Venus) scattered a few color pages on the table . Tanya immediately intervened .

Tanya : de Vissen , you weren't supposed to design the pages ! You know that ! At the first meeting we decided that Bernaldez would do the graphics and the layout .

Vanilla (Venus) : Oh , darling , i just wanted to save her some work .

As she spoke , Vanilla (Venus)'s face was a bit too close to Tanya's and her paw touched her hair . This behavior was not like her .

Tanya : 《The hell ?! When since she talk to me like that ?!》

In the meantime , the pages passed from hand to hand , eliciting murmurs of curiosity and surprise from members of the Lizard Club .

Violet : Coco , what it is ?

Colette , who had turned as pale as a linen , staggered . Then she recovered and , pointing to the pages of Vanilla (Venus) devoted to gossip .

Colette : Violet , Nicky , this is from my diary ! Not the way Vanilla wrote them here , but close enough....She stole this straight from my diary !

Nicky : Did that mean she stole your diary ?

Then Vanilla (Venus) spread out on the table a few pages from her notepad and did , in the eyes of all , a masterstroke . By distributing them .

Vanilla (Venus) : I have another brillant idea to share . I came up with the idea of writing a short essay on the art of journalisme ! Something simple and clear for everyone to understand . Something , i wrote as i looked back on all my experiences .

Nicky : Fuck this .

Nicky and Violet helped Colette up from the seat she had collapsed on , and the three of them left the room .

Colette : Violet , Nicky , please...i can explain....

Violet : Don't worry , Colette . I know you wouldn't say anything bad about us .

Nicky : You said it ! It's time to get the Thea Sisters together . We have to find Pam and Paulina !

But when Colette , Violet and Nicky crossed the hall , they saw ... another Vanilla ?!

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