The rescue team

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Word spread throughout Mouseford Academy that Connie , Paulina and Pamela hadn't given a sign of life for a long time . A rescue team had to be organized . Shen , ready to do anything for his beloved Pamela , was the first to offer his help . When she heard that Nicky , Colette and Violet formed a rescue team , Apotre Venus , still in the guise of Vanilla , immediately left the academy to warn Mercury .

Vanilla (Venus) : 《I must warn Mercury quickly ! I wonder if had done the mission or not ! 》

Alicia and Zoe were always with her (because they thought she was the real Vanilla) .

Zoe : de Vissen ? Where you going ?

Without answer . For their part , Tanya and Dina proposed , and , as it was already dark , the small group of rescuers set out .

Dina : Girls ? Why de Vissen come with us ?

Nicky : We offered to help us at least once , since Brown was with Pam and Paulina .

Vanilla : Liar ! It was you who took me on board !

Pamela's SUV was easy to find . Nicky examined the tracks on the floor .

Nicky : Look , there are three sets of paw prints here . So there must have been three rodents . One set is headed back toward....wood ?!

Vanilla : Could it have been Brown ? What was she doing here !?

Violet : And the other two sets of prints go into this direction .

Shen : Those prints must belong to Pamela and Bernaldez !

Colette : *looking at Shen* 0W0

Nicky : Then let's go find them !

They entered the woods . Far from it , Apotre Venus dispelled Vanilla's appearance and resumed her true trait . she managed to find Apotre Mercury .

Mercury : Venus ! Finally !

Venus : Mercury , did you manage to kill the two Thea Sisters ?

Mercury : I lose them !

Venus : What ?! Now way ! The remaining Thea Sisters and two of their allies have formed a rescue team , they are looking for their two friends !

Mercury : What we gonna do , Venus ?

Venus : I'm taking care of them , I'll have to need a Stone Sacred to invoke another Daimon . For this , I'm going to use my second ability to attract one of them . You , look for Pamela Tangu and Paulina Bernaldez .

Mercury : Yes !

Venus and Mercury go their separate ways . The two SSA members have no idea that Paulina and Pamela were nearby , they are still in the hole and they were listening to them .

Pamela : *whisper* Ok , they gone . We must quickly get out of there .

Paulina : Right .

Meanwhile .

Nicky : Paulina !

Colette : Pamela !

Shen : Pamela !

Violet : I hope they are okay .

Then due to the slippery mud , Shen slipped and fell to the ground without the girls hearing him .

Shen : Ow !

As the Thea Sisters , Vanilla , Tanya , and Dina walk away . Shen lost his glasses in the dark , he retrieves his flashlight and lit the corners in search of his precious glasses .

Shen : Where's my glasses...Where's my glasses...

Apotre Venus can see that Shen is the most vulnerable and naive . As a descendant of a goddess of love and seduction , Venus knew that Shen is in love with Pamela . She takes this opportunity to make him her victim . She found Shen's glasses .

Venus : You looking for that ?

Shen : My glasses ! Thank ! I can't see without-

Apotre Venus put his glasses on him . Shen can now see who has found what is hers .

Venus : You have beautiful eyes ... what's your name ?

Shen : Hum....Shen....Shen Morson .

Venus : Shen ? What a cute name . So , Shen...Did you know a girl in your school thought you were cute ? I heard her talk about you today ... she wants you .

Shen : *blush* the way , can you tell my your name ?

Venus : I am known by another sweet name , Aphrodite ....

Shen smell something coming from Venus .

Shen :《 What is this perfume...? My head...I have a headache...》

Venus : Look me in the eyes , my little down jacket .

Shen is hypnotized by Apotre Venus's eyes .

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