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Jolie take the Stone Sacred .

Jolie : Harmonia , where's Brown's Stone Sacred ?

Harmonia : Here .

Berenices : What is the Stone Sacred ?

Jolie : The Stone Sacred...are stones that possess miraculous powers . Everyone has one in themselves and they are also the heart of the soul .

She walks towards her .

Jolie : Listen , Berenices ... earlier , Harmonia , Hyper and I thought it was you who stole my diary ... we accused you , but ultimately it was Apotre Mercury thief . We are sincerely sorry for this false accusation ...

She extended her paw to her in a friendly gesture .

Jolie : So ... are we friends and making an alliance ?

Alas , Star Berenices hits her paw .

Jolie : What the ?!

Berenices : Go fuck yourself ! I prefer to found my own group , rather than ally with bands of little immatures like you , the Thea Sisters ! You can accuse anyone without having solid evidence ! I go back to the academy !

Dynamic : Wow ! You and your brother are same !

Berenices is leaving ...

Liouli : are immature .... sometimes ....

Skyla : By the way...Where Berenices go ? This is not the way for Mouseford .

Hyper : Hey , Berenices ! Do you know which is the way for the academy ?

Berenices : ...No...But take me back there .... and TELL ME HOW I CANCEL MY TRANSFORMATION ?! I CANNOT BE LIKE THAT !

Everyone knew that Vanilla had been a worse journalist ... but that it wasn't her , but it was Apotre Venus . The news had reached Professor Rattclif's ear , who then told the headmaster everything . Because of Venus , Vanilla has problems . Vanilla , hadn't had time to reply . The next day , the students were summoned to the amphitheater hall . The next day student chatter echoed from corner to corner of the Mouseford Amphitheater . Many were betting that this reunion would have to do with Vanilla's dirty tricks ... well except for two students who are at the back of the room : Shen and Craig who were chatting to each other .

Craig : Are you sure it was not a dream , Shen ?

Shen : I swear ! A busty blonde girl picks on me and had me-

Craig : Ha ha ha ha ! Right ! I think you've watched too much porn ! xD

Shen : What ?! I never watch that kind of stuff !

Vic , accompanying Tanya , were the last students to enter the amphitheater .

Craig : Oh , he reappeared .

Shen : He suddenly disappeared after the Iron Mouse Games .... and since Mishkov has heard that we have created our own newspaper ....

The two presidents of the two clubs sit near them . The headmaster Octavius entered the amphitheater , accompanied by several professors . All looked dark and solemn . The rumor ceased immediately . The headmaster sat down at the speakers' table and spoke .

Octavius : Dear students , we have called you here today because something serious happened at this institution . One of our students has behaved dishonestly , and has broken Mouseford Academy's sacred honor code .

Everyone looked at Vanilla , who played indifferent .

Vanilla : 《This slut of Apotre Venus !! I'm going to kill her for getting me in trouble !》

(Venus : He he he ! Before joining Mercury in the forest , I changed into another student to tell someone about your so called dirty tricks to get you in trouble ! )

Octavius : In this case , the rules of privacy and good journalism have been violated . I'm very sorry for what has happened , but i believe that for every mistake , there's also an opportunity to learn . I am planning to punish the student who made this mistake . But i also want all of you to learn from her error so none of you will ever make the same mistake . Today we're holding a special session on good journalism . We've invited an exceptional teacher to helps us . I'm pleased to introduce you all to one of New Mouse City's most distinguished journalists , Thea Stilton !

A thunderous applause greeted the entrance of (the real) Thea . She winked at the Thea Sisters in the front row and took her place behind the microphone . All the students came out of their notebooks and pens bags and pockets , ready to record every word of Thea .

Thea : A reporter's job is a fabulous one . A good journalism must be curious to learn about everything around her , and unafraid to ask questions . Most important , she has to be honest and tell what she has discovered in the simplest words possible ! Anyone who lies , falsifies a statement , or plays with the thruth is not a journalist . In fact , she or he is a rodent who should not be trusted . My advice to students interested in journalism is this : Don't compete with one another . Instead , practice collaboration . Work together and help one another . That way , everyone has a chance to learn . Sharing information will help reveal the truth !

New applause marked the end of her speech . It was then that Vic stood up and spoke .

Vic : We , the Geckos Club, worked well with the girls of the Lizard Club when we covered the Iron Mouse Games . That is why , Tanya Mishkov , President of the Lizard Club and myself , President of the Gecko Club , we propose the two clubs join forces to publish one paper : The official Mouseford Academy newspaper !

The audience approved with an explosion of applause .

Shen : Why this sudden alliance ? And then ... where were you ?

Vic : *whisper* Mishkov , had imprisoned me in the basement of the academy to force me to agree to unite our journals ....

Not everyone noticed that Tanya had brought Olga with her who had served as her secret point of pointing at Vic . Playing innocence , she hides her gun .

Tanya : I don't know what are you talking about , comrade de Vissen .

Craig and Shen guessed that this idea didn't come from Vic , but from "Tanya the Terrible" .

- The end .

TSFSep 7 - The Constellation of the queen's hair , Star Berenices !Where stories live. Discover now