Packed and ready to go !

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On the planet Venus .

Venus : Mercury !

Even after calling him several times and waiting for him , her comrade still hasn't come .

Venus : Where is this kid...?...Mercury !

Finally, Apotre Mercury arrived .

Mercury : I'm here !

Venus : Where were you ?

Mercury : In Mouseford ! I prepared a prank for two of the Thea Sisters and one of their classmate !

Venus : Good ! You're going with me to Earth in Mouseford , but we're going to split ! Me , I would go to Mouseford , and you , you will take care of Paulina Bernaldez and Pamela Tangu !

Venus took out her little box that contained pills and gave one to Mercury .

Venus : Here , take one . You will change into Thea Stilton to lure and trap the two Thea Sisters . But , you are a boy , you will stay in this guise only 10 minutes ! Try not to drag it too long , understood ?

Mercury : Okay !

Venus : Let's go !

The two members of the Solar System Apotre went to Earth . In the meantime , in Mouseford , another person stepped in . Pamela , a big backpack over her shoulder and the keys to her SUV , waited impatiently at the entrance to the academy .

Pamela : Are you ready yet ? Can we get going ?

Paulina : *panted* Here i am...! I hope Brown doesn't take to long time too....

Pamela : *winked* Who knows , maybe this trip will prove she's not bad after all !

Paulina : Yeah...But i pray that she'll not be the second most creepy person in Mouseford Academy like Tanya....-_-

The girls were on their way to Ram Plain , a narrow valley rich in fossils . According to geologists , fossils from this plain , located at the foot of a very high peak , proved that Whale Island had once been completely covered by water . This is a perfect subject for a report on the origins of Whale Island ! Pamela and Paulina left the academy and found Connie , already ready , next to the four-wheeler . It was equipped with a backpack and a large canvas becases . Pam got behind the wheel and Paulina in the passenger seat . Connie settled into the backseat and , sighing , pulled out two envelopes from her bag .

Connie : I took care of everything we'll need . I got each of us a trail map that'll take us to Ram Plain , a compass , and a summary of the history of Whale Island .

Pamela : Wow ! That's so nice of you , Brown !

Paulina : Yeah , thanks , Brown !

Connie : *shrugged* No problem...Now , we'd better get going .

Pamela drove to where the dirt road turns into a narrow path plunging through holes and bumps . At each bump , Pamela hadn't slowed down early and her comrades sprang from their seats .

Paulina : Go slowly , Pam !

Pamela : I know !

Paulina : You are always so disaster !

Pamela : Hey !

As they bickered , Connie pulled out her cell phone , and when the car passed over another bump in the dirt , Connie jumped up and dropped her cell .

Connie : Shit !

Her cell phone was falling in the bushes . Without noticing , Pamela stopped , and barely got out of the car .

Connie : I dropped my cell phone ! I'll go get it.

Pamela : Do you want us to help you ?

Connie : No , it's okay ! Go without me , I'll join you .

Paulina : Ok...

Pamela and Paulina entered the forest , while Connie set off again in the direction a little further in search of her lost phone . Above them , Apotre Venus and Apotre Mercury watched the three students of Mouseford .

Venus : Yes , go ahead , darlings . *to Mercury* , I'm go to Mouseford now .

She then disappears , leaving her comrade . First , Mercury targeted Connie . Connie managed to find her cell phone , she examined it , then sighed .

Connie : Thanks God...

She heard the sound of a broken branch .

Connie : Hello ?...Bernaldez ?....Tangu ?

Connie felt watched , she thought it was Pamela and Paulina who were playing a prank .

Connie : Very funny , girls....Now , show yourself !

Suddenly , Apotre Mercury appears out of nowhere and pounces on the girl . He quickly extract the Sacred Stone from Connie , which a Diamond .

Mercury : A Diamond ! Now , let's go !

A black ball appears on his free paw .

Mercury : Come here ! Daimon !!

Mercury summoned a Daimon , resembling a crow . His Mercurian symbol lit up and with his power he lifted Connie's lifeless body .

Mercury : Next , i'm going to trap the two Thea Sisters....

TSFSep 7 - The Constellation of the queen's hair , Star Berenices !Where stories live. Discover now