The song above is what Jiro was listening to.

Later that night
Jiro Pov

I finished my homework and the rest of the things for my sisters. tucked them into bed and was now sitting on my bed folding clothing and listening to music. One of my favorite songs played, Hitohira no Hanabira. I hummed along with the tune singing along with the chorus since it was the only part of the song I knew completely word for word. I glanced at the clock once I finished with the clothing.
2:14 am in the morning.  Darn I've been up later then normal. I growled to myself crawling into bed setting my alarm for 5 in the morning. threeish hours of sleep would be just fine. 

The next morning
Aizawa's pov

I saw how Jiro was once again here before even Todoroki I decided to ask her why she seemed so sleepy.
"Jiro-san I'd like to speak with you." I say to the purple haired girl. she looked up at me worry plastered in her soft eyes. nodding she walked over to my desk.
"Yes sensei?" she fiddled with her earphone jacks as if I was about to tell her she was expelled.
"well you've seemed quite tired for the past month or so, whats the matter?" I asked her hoping she'd say the truth. to my absolute surprise she did. her face went from first, shock then to fear back to shock and suddenly she had a weird mental breakdown of tears. It was lucky that no one else was here or else there would be tons of talk on her crying.
"I-I.....I" the girl wasn't able to fit in enough words in her sorry sentence. 
"Take a deep breath." I whispered calmly to her. I had gone through this once with a boy named Touya Kori(Todoroki). he had run away from home to get away from his family. I had taken the boy in for a few months until he had gotten a job. 
"I-p-please help me." she mumbled looking at the ground. I sighed inwardly.
"come see me at lunch Jiro."

Everyone has a breaking point (Depressed Kyouka Jiro)Where stories live. Discover now