Part 10 recap
Kyouka's brother died. Aizawa and the task force found Kyouka and the dead body. Kyouka switched her personality to a mad woman named Zisha which means suicide. Zisha didn't know anything except that she thought the girl named Kyouka was the one who killed Aniki.

(Yet again this part deals with character death.)

Aizawa pov
I watched this new girl stumble around as she traced the blade of the bloody knife against the tattered bar walls. Zisha wasn't Kyouka and Kyouka wasn't Zisha. the only thing the two shared was the same body. thats what I also feared about them the most. if Zisha stayed true to her name than she'd also be killing Kyouka. I was frozen in place to fearful to move an inch.
"well we're about to have a show!!" Zisha screamed turning to me flashing a demonic smile. though for a split second the evil and crazy woman had vanished and a distressed looking innocent girl was there only to be right back to Zisha. it was Kyouka who was under this. and who else was that girl hiding beneath her? she could have another so called personality. just as expected the sadistic smile was replaced yet again with a overly angry looking girl. I knew it was stupid but I screamed Kyouka's name out hoping it would shock Zisha away.
"KYOUKA!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. it did nothing but make Zisha even more crazy looking. though it did bring in All Might and Midnight. they looked around and when their eyes laid on Kyouka or Zisha they fell silent knowing too well what was happening. 
"STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS MORON NAMED KYOUKA!! I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT HER!! I NEED TO KILL HER TO BE ABLE TO GET BACK AT HER FOR ANIKI!!!" and with that the knife Zisha was holding was stabbed into her own neck. a moment of shock ran through Zisha's face before switching to a stunned angry face then to a far too happy looking face all stunned it ending on Kyouka's teary expression as I raced over to her. she looked at me and whispered one last sentence.
"I loved you dad." and then her eyes glazed over and she was dead.

well I guess that was a sad ending. oh well. I've started a sequel to this story if You wanna check it out. It's called " after the breaking point" and the story focuses on the three triplet younger sisters ten years after the ending of this story

Everyone has a breaking point (Depressed Kyouka Jiro)Where stories live. Discover now