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After a delicious meal we all head out to the grassy mountain that I had seen from my window.

"Oh wait! You three need to change!" Says Ivy Looking us up and down And chuckling at Alicia's giant dress.

"Hey! It's not like everyday that I get to wear a dress this fancy!!" Says Alicia crossing her arms.

I open the closet door and pick out one of the outfits that seems like it would be better for training in. Pants, Boots and a Purple tunic.

I walk out into the hallway and Arion opens the door from inside. I bow my head to him then keep going into The Golden Room. I hear a shuffle behind me and I turn on my heel.

"Hi" Says Jayden blushing.

"Oh" I say relaxing.

"I thought someone..." I say blushing.

"It's ok I understand" Says Jayden.

We stare at each other for what seems like hours until...

"Oh! Hi Jayden!" Says a tall girl with purple hair.

"Hello Mildred" Grumbles Jayden staring at his feet and looking disappointed.

"And who is this newbie?" Says Mildred.

I clench my fists I already don't like Mildred. Before I can answer Alicia, Samantha and Ivy walk into the room.

"Oh hello Nina!" Says Ivy.

"Two more newbies?" Says Mildred.

"Oh... I see you have meet Mildred." Says Ivy Smiling a smile that looks painfully fake.

"Um... are you guys going to training?" Says Jayden breaking the silence.

"Yes." I say happy for a change of subjects.

"Well then I would be glad to join you!" Says Jayden.

We head out through the back door to the grassy hill.

"Your powers are simple" Says Ivy.

"You all have the same except Nin-No One." Says Ivy.

"We heard you." Says Samantha.

"No you didn't" Says Ivy.

Samantha does not look convinced.

"As I was saying your powers need to be triggered." Says Ivy smiling.

She leads us to a spot on the top of the grassy hill were there is a space enclosed in a silver line.

"You first?" She asks pointing at Jayden.

Jayden nods looking a little bit queasy and walk across the silver line. Instantly he disappears.

"Jayden!" I cry out.

"You next" she says pointing at me.

I walk forward my legs shaking. "It is just a silver line" I try to tell myself. And then I step over the line and I am instantly free falling.

"Ahhhh!!!!" I yell.

And then I am hitting cold ground with a thud.

"Are you ok?" I hear Jaden's voice say.

"Yes" I say waking up out of my daze.

He helps me up and I can finally see where we are. We are in a stone chamber with a hall and a door on the other side. on the ground a few feet away is a another silver line.

"Ahhhh!!" I hear Alicia's voice yell.

And then she has fallen by my feet. I offer her my hand and she takes it. Then Samantha arrives and finally Ivy.

"Are we ready?" Says Ivy as she slows to a landing.

We all nod.

"Jayden??" Says Ivy pointing at the door. 

"Ok" He says and walks over the line.

The instant his foot touches the other side of the line the floor instantly disappears leaving behind it Lava. His feet instantly leave the ground and he is floating a few inches above the lava. Then Ivy moves her hand in a pushing motion and he is on the other side of the room by the door.

"I'll go next" Says Alicia looking horrified.

"That my girl!" Says Ivy.

Alicia steps forward and is inches from touching the lava when she levitates. She smiles and looks relieved. Ivy does the hand movement again and Alicia is on the other side. Samantha goes next. She levitates instantly. Then she is pushed by Ivy to the other side.

"Your turn" Says Ivy pointing at me.

I take a step forward and I am instantly shooting up to the ceiling.

"Ahhhh!!" I yell.

And then suddenly I am diving head first at the door. My head is about to smash into the large door when Jayden catches me.

"That was amazing!!" Says Jayden smiling. 

The Luna101: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now