Secrets Revealed (Chapter 3)

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Thanks guys for all the comments and votes so far! It is because of you guys that I've made it this far in this series. Now, here's the next chapter. Please enjoy!!!


Chapter 3

Waking up the next morning on the couch, John stretched his aching muscles and headed to the kitchen for make some coffee. Last night he knew his little witch was up to something the moment she smiled evilly at him. When they made it home, she marched her pretty little butt inside and straight to their bedroom to lock herself in there. Damn woman; and she wondered why he had grey hair at the age of thirty two.

John made a cup of coffee then sat down at the table. He was grumpy, he was tired and his body was aching because of the small couch he had to sleep on. She wouldn't even give him a damn pillow! That's okay, if she wanted to play dirty he was all for it. Two could play that game.

He took a small sip of his coffee then movement from the doorway caught his eye. There in the doorway stood the little witch in nothing but one of his white dress shirts with the sleeves rolled up just enough so her arms could poke out. Sweet mercy, she looked gorgeous.

"Did you sleep well dear?" Katherine asked sweetly.

So she was going to play like this, he thought.

"You now I didn't; that was the whole point of locking me out of the bedroom, wasn't it?"

A small smile played at the corner of her lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

John knew better.

Katherine walked over to make a cup of coffee. All John could think of was those tanned legs wrapped around him again. She turned around and caught him staring at her legs. Rule number one - never show weakness, which was what just did; dammit. His wife smiled at him in triumph.

"So dear, what do you have planned for today?" she asked sweetly while sitting down.

"I have to head to Knoxville and meet with Agent Hobbs. That's what the call was about last night; the one that interrupted us."

Katherine's face heated up at the thought of last night then fell when his words registered.

"Don't worry; I'm not taking any more cases. I'll call the sheriff and let him know I want the job he offered." Josh reassured.

Katherine might give him grey hair and torture him like she was doing now but that didn't mean he would lose her over a job. He had promised he would turn in this resignation and he would keep his promise.

"I need to go take a shower or will you keep me out of the bathroom too?" He questioned.

With a sigh, Katherine answered.

"Go take a shower John."

John got up then lightly kissed Katherine on the forehead.

"You will always be my little witch no matter what."

He headed straight for the shower without looking back. Thank God, she didn't keep me from the shower, he thought...


Katherine sat there in silence after John left the room. She sincerely hoped he was serious about quitting and taking the other job. Maybe, everything will work itself out, she prayed. She wanted everything to work out but she also knew that John had to help himself out first before they could work out their issues.

Secrets Revealed (Book 2 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now