Secrets Revealed (Chapter 5)

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Ok guys, I didn't realize how emotional this chapter would be until I started typing it. Once I started to write it, the words just flowed. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!


Chapter 5

John was angry, he was hurting and he was scared. He drove around, not really knowing what direction he was heading in. He shouldn't have left the way he did but he didn't know what else to do. Who was running now, he thought bitterly? He needed to get all this off his chest but he couldn't face his wife just yet. He didn't want to face the hurt and pity she would have in her eyes.

John picked up his cell phone and dialed. He didn't want to burden anyone else with his problems but he didn't have anyone else to turn to.

"Hello?" A deep voice sounded.

"I hate to ask this but I don't know who else to turn to." John said desperately.

"John, man what's wrong?" Kyle asked worried.

John didn't answer.

"John, are you okay?'

No, he wasn't. He was far from okay. He wasn't even in the same ballpark.

"No I'm not. I feel like I'm about to explode. I'm at my breaking point and can't be around Katherine. Can you meet me somewhere?" John knew it was only a matter of time before the dam inside him would break.

"Yeah man. Jaime is with me right now, is that okay?"

Not really, he couldn't face his brother-in-law just yet.

"Can you see if he could go check on Katherine? Maybe he could take Amy over there?" John pleaded.

"Sure; meet me out at my land."

John hung up before he said anything else. He slammed his foot down on the gas petal, speeding toward Kyle's land. He knew Jaime would want to kick his ass for leaving Katherine the way he did but he had to get away from her and try to straighten this total mess in his head.


Katherine sat there against the door with her knees pulled to her chest. She had lost all track of time. Her knees were starting to ache but she didn't care. The ache in her knees didn't compare to the ache in her chest. She didn't know why but she desperately needed to understand what John was going through. Why couldn't love be enough?

John's words echoed over and over in her head. Hell, her own hurtful words echoed in her head also. She just couldn't leave well enough alone. She felt like a heartless person for putting the man she loved with all her heart thought all this mess. She just wished he would trust her enough to confide in her; just once.

A knock at the door brought Katherine out of her thoughts. She jumped up and opened the door, hoping it was John; on the other side of the door, stood her brother and her best friend.

"Sweetie, not to be the bearer of bad news but you look awful." Amy said walking in.

She noted her brother stood there with a troubled expression. Jaime knew that the two was going through a hard time but he hated to see his sister like this. She knew he felt like he was stuck between his sister and the man that had become his brother; someone who he had always looked up to and respected.

"I'm not going to ask if you are fine because I can see you're not." Jaime said walking over to give her sister a hug.

"I just wish everything would end; the problems I mean." Katherine said into Jaime's chest.

Secrets Revealed (Book 2 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now