Secrets Revealed (Chapter 10)

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Here is chapter 10! I tried desperately to finish up the story today but my brain is about fried so this chapter will be the only one I'll be posting tonight unfortonately. Don't want my brain to turn into scrambled eggs lol but please enjoy what I have so far!!!


Chapter 10

Katherine scrubbed everything that had a surface whether it was dirty or not. She was fighting crime on germs and soap scum today. See, John wasn't the only one who could fight crime, she mused. She decided a little bit of humor might do her some good; that and turning the radio in the kitchen on so the house wouldn't be so quiet.

Off key singing and loud country music filled the house. She really hoped the neighbors wouldn't hear her or worse call the police. That was all she needed; Kyle or Jaime showing up and wondering if she had lost her mind but no matter how much she cleaned or sung at the top of her lungs, she couldn't distract herself from the worry. Damn, she was driving herself crazy thinking about what could happen at the end of the day and she was getting nowhere with the thoughts.

After two hours of cleaning and smelling like bleach, Katherine decided to take a nice long shower before the bleach could seep into her pores; then she would smell like bleach forever. She grabbed some clothes and started to strip in her bedroom. For one moment, something didn't seem right. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

Katherine shrugged the feeling away. It was just the worry getting to her, she thought. She stepped underneath the warm water hoping it would wash away not only the smell but the feeling as well. The warm stream felt good against her skin; felt good to the ache she still felt in her muscles from the aftermath of last night's long love session with her husband. No matter how long she stood there under the warm current though, she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that something just wasn't right. She could feel it way down deep in her gut that something bad was about to happen.

Drying off quickly and throwing on her clothes, she rushed out to the phone by the bed to call John. She hoped that he would reassure her and tell her there was nothing to be worried about. Turning on the phone, she was acquainted with only silence. She shut the phone off then turned it back on to see if she could get a dial tone but there was none. Why wasn't there a dial tone? Katherine rushed out to the alarm that was by the door. It was completely off also. This can't be happening to her. She had promised John she would be okay.

With one last resort, she made her way to the kitchen where her cell phone was. She silently prayed that maybe the phone company was working on the line. That would also explain why the alarm wasn't working. With different scenarios running through her head, she didn't notice the man standing by the back door.

"Looking for this?" A voice sounded scaring her.

Katherine jumped at the sound of the deep voice. Hobbs stood at her back door with her cell phone in his hand. She tried desperately not to show the man standing before her the fear that was starting to rise inside her. Never show fear; John's words he once told her rang in her head.

"How did you get in here?"

The man laughed at her question.

"Sweetheart, I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve." Hobbs said with a sadistic smile.

Katherine started to back out of the kitchen. If she could get to the gun her husband kept in the coffee table, she thought. Hobbs shot her a knowing look.

"If you are wanting that Glock that's in the coffee table, I've already have that also." He stated.

"What do you want?" She asked not knowing what else to do.

Secrets Revealed (Book 2 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now