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          THEY SAY BIRTH IS a beautiful thing, and that new life should always be cherished. And while the process in which new life is brought into this world may bring pain to those mothers, in the end, some say it's worth it. That holding their child for the first time, looking into the eyes of their newborn, reminds them of who it was all for. In all, that pain brought new life, a child, one too innocent to know the true darkness of the world. A child that depends on those that hold them to protect them from all darkness of this new foreign land.

          "Papa," a small voice called. "Is Mama okay? She's screaming."

          Today was a new day, but it wasn't just any ole day; it was a special day. Today was the day a new life would be brought into this world. In a small cottage located in the village of Acacia in the Kingdom of Fiore, there lives a family, the Dunes, a family of four that is soon to be a family of five. Of the current four members of the house, Everly, the woman of the house, lays in a dimly lit bedroom, pain filling her body as her midwife guides her through the birth of her third child. Outside the bedroom stands the remaining three members, all of which were waiting to see Everly.

          As the three of them waited, different emotions swirled through their heads. The oldest of the three, Cyrus, the man of the house, held his sons in anticipation. He was shaking, sweating; he couldn't wait to see his child, his wife. One of his sons, the youngest, stayed perched up in his father's arms, a confused look on his face. He didn't know nor understand what was happening, all he knew was that his father was shaking, and his mother was in the bedroom, screaming. The oldest of Cyrus' sons held his father's hand, and while he knew what was happening, he didn't understand why his mother was screaming.

          Before Everly's fell into labor, she would regularly talk to her eldest about the future birth of his new little sibling. While she didn't go into detail, she would talk about how amazing it was, how beautiful. She would praise the experience and tell him how if she could, she would relieve the moment over and over again. So when he heard the screams of his mother, he couldn't help but feel confused, nor could he help the concern he felt for his mother. She never talked about pain; she never mentioned the pain it took to bring life into this world. He was concerned for his mother, concern that was made evident by how hard he squeezed his father's hand.

          "Your mother is fine," Cyrus assured his son, giving his hand a slight squeeze.

          "Are you sure?" he questions, and before Cyrus could answer, they heard a different scream, one of higher pitch, one less filled with pain. "Papa, is that mama?"

          "No," Cyrus answered, a smile appearing on his face. "That's your new sibling."

          Hearing his father's answer, more questions filled his head, questions that directed their focus to the new screams, rather than his mothers. He was ready to ask these questions, but before he could, the bedroom door opened. Behind the door was the midwife, who wore an exhausted yet happy smile on her face. Waving for the three of them to enter, she then left the room, but not before closing it to give them their privacy. In the room, Cyrus couldn't help but smile when he saw his wife, it widening when he saw the baby in his arms. Moving to the bed, he put his former youngest down as his wife introduced to the new edition to the family.

          "This is Leona," Everly said, "and she's your new baby sister."

          "Sister?" both boys questioned, repeating their mother.

          "Yes, sister," Everly confirmed.

          "I hope you guys are ready to be the best big brothers in the world," Cyrus joked his hand on his wife's shoulder.

          "Yeah!" the youngest boy exclaimed, pumping his fist up in the air.

          "Mama?" the eldest called. "Why were you screaming? Did it hurt? Did she give you a boo boo?"

          "No," Everly answered, letting out a chuckle. "You are still too young to understand, but just know that sometimes in life, people go through pain, but in the end, it's worth it."

          "So, she, was worth it?"

           "Yes, she was," she confirmed. "I have a feeling our little girl will be destined for greatness, and I just, I just hope . . ."

          "Everly?" Cyrus questioned, noticing how weak his wife was getting. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

          "I hope you'll all be there for her."

           They say birth is a beautiful thing, and that new life should always be cherished. And while the process in which new life is brought into this world may bring pain to those mothers, in the end, some say it's worth it. That holding their child for the first time, looking into the eyes of their newborn, reminds them of who it was all for. In all, that pain brought new life, a child, one too innocent to know the true darkness of the world. A child that depends on those that hold them to protect them from all darkness of this new foreign land.

         However, not all can be protected . . .


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