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          TWO MONTHS HAVE PASSED since the war between Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail, and six weeks have passed since Elvira has heard from or seen Gajeel. In the last six weeks, Elvira has done nothing but work for Yoro and do her best to better the lives of the children around her, most especially Rogue and Yukino. Within the last month or so, Elvira had created bonds she never saw herself making. Had someone asked her two months ago where she thought she would end up, making deliveries for Yoro and spending time with children was the last thing she would ever think of.

          Before her life now, her whole life revolved around Gajeel, and while she doesn't regret the life she lived before, she did wish she focused a bit more on bettering herself. When she wasn't making deliveries for Yoro or spending time with the children, she was in her apartment focusing on her art. Ever since she was a child, making art was always a passion for her, but she never really had the time to focus on it. Sure there were times when she would get to sketch a thing or two in her old guildhall, but it was never consistent, nor did she ever finish anything she started.

          But now, she had the time to finish her art, she had time to relax, and work on her passion. While some of her art remained either in her sketchbook or on her walls, some of it ended up in the homes of the residents of Oak Town. On top of working for Yoro, Elvira started a small side business of selling her art. And while she didn't make nearly enough money as she did during her time with Phantom, she made enough to get by, enough to make her happy, and Elvira was perfectly fine with that.

          "I can't believe this!" Yoro exclaims, frantically running around his shop, grabbing multiple different items off the shelves before disappearing into the back. "I can't believe they chose me! This is crazy! Crazy I tell ya! I can now die happy!"

          "Is he okay?" Totomaru asks Elvira while looking at the frantic man.

          "I don't know," she admits, leaning her arm on the counter. "He's been like this all morning, heck, he's even scared of a few customers."


          "Yeah," she confirms, nodding. "And based on what he's doing, I have a feeling he's gonna have me make a delivery, which means I'll have to visit the children later."

          Elvira saw Totomaru frequently, but most of the time she saw him, he always had the children with him. However, yesterday, Totomaru showed up without any of the children, which caused Elvira to immediately be concerned. It was odd for the children not to join Totomaru on his visits to Moot Point, especially Rogue. Not long after his arrival, Elvira was quickly informed that there was a virus making its way through the orphanage. Most of the children were sick, and that included Rogue, who was bedridden with a fever.

When hearing that the children were sick, Elvira wanted to visit them but was immediately recommended against doing so. Totomaru had suggested that until a doctor confirmed that it was nothing serious, she would have to keep away to avoid being sick. Respecting Totomaru's wishes, she stayed away from the orphanage, while hoping that it was nothing serious and that children would be up and running around soon.

Thankfully, much to Elvira's delight, Totomaru arrived today at Moot Point to inform Elvira that it was nothing but a cold. So not only would the children be well soon, but she could visit them. However, she wanted to finish her shift at Moot Point first, especially seeing it ended in about an hour. But if Elvira's suspicions were correct, she would be going on delivery, and depending on how long it took, her visit would be late or have to wait until tomorrow.

          "Don't worry about it," Totomaru assures her, "I'm sure the children can wait a bit longer."

          "I know," she replies, "it just sucks that it's such a nice day today and they have to spend it inside with a cold."

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