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THE GROUND MEMBERS OF Fairy Tail watched the girl in front of them cautiously, still unsure of whether or not they could trust her. While grateful for the shield in front of them, they knew they couldn't let their guard down. Despite stopping to help them, she was still a member of Phantom Lord, their current enemy. Her shield not only guarded them against the glowing magic circle but the shade monsters, giving the ground Fairy Tail members a moment of rest. So, even though they were unsure of Elvira's intentions, they still took advantage of her protection, using it as a chance to replenish their energy and prepare for whatever Phantom Lord would try to throw at them next.

Elvira could feel the Fairy Tail members staring at her, she knew they didn't trust her, and she didn't expect them to. She was just glad that they allowed her to cast her spell and didn't strike her down the moment she arrived in front of them. At that current moment, Elvira was focusing all her attention on her spell, as unlike her normal shield spells, this one required more concentration and magic power. Her layered shield spell is one of her strongest defensive spells, and because it was such a strong spell, there needed to be constant support of magic energy being put into it for it to work. If she walked away, something she would do for her normal shield spells, the layered shield would collapse, and the citizens Magnolia would be rid of any chance they had at escape.

Right now, the magic circle that would cast abyss break was glowing even brighter than before, meaning at any moment, it would go off. Seeing it glow that like, Elvira couldn't help but feel afraid, fear adding to her many emotions she was feeling at the moment. Not only was she afraid, but she was sad as well, but not sad that she betrayed Phantom Lord, but sad that she betrayed Gajeel. If he saw her right now, she was sure he would be disappointed, and maybe even angry. What added to her fear was the thought that Gajeel would push her out of his life. For seven years the pair have been joined at the hip, and she couldn't imagine living without him. So that thought that Gajeel would end their friendship, only added to her fear, making her more afraid of losing him then the magic circle that glowed before her.

"She's crying," Bisca says, standing behind the girl, along with the others. "Should we do something?"

"What can we do?" Alzack wonders. "We don't even know why she's crying."

"Hey, you!" Cana calls, before walking over to her

"Cana!" Wakaba exclaims. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What gives you the right to cry?" Cana asks Elvira. "Huh? Last time I checked, your master isn't on his death bed. Your guildhall wasn't destroyed!"

"Cana, don't you think that's pushing it?" Macao asks.

"Your guild attacked us," Cana continues, ignoring Macao. "Your guild was the one who started all this, and now you wanna cry. If anybody has the right to cry, it's us, and yet, here we are, fighting our asses off to protect our family."

"Cana, I don't think that was such a-,"

"You're right," Elvira agrees, cutting of Bisca. "I don't have a right to cry. I mean, what am I even crying for? Doing the right thing? I don't wanna lose Gajeel, I really don't, but I also don't wanna be the reason why hundreds if not thousands of people lose their lives."

Cana was surprised that Elvira agreed with her, as was everyone else, as a part of them believed she would take down her shield and continue attacking them. Fairy Tail watched as Elvira wiped her tears before focusing back on the shield. The once dulling shined a bright golden color, signifying that she was given it her all. Staring at the magic circle, Elvira was ready, ready for whatever was sent her way.

         Even though she was still afraid, even though she was still sad, she pushed all those feelings back. Right now, it didn't matter how she felt, what mattered was that she could save people, give them a fighting chance at living. She knew she would have to deal with Gajeel eventually, and that scared her, but what scared her even more was having someone else's blood on her hands.

"Look what you've done! You're a monster!"

"I'm not a monster," she muttered. Then Elvira drew one hand away from the layered shield in front of her and pointed it towards all the Fairy Tail members behind her. "Energy Magic: Sphere Burst."

Fairy Tail members watched as a magic circle around her hand appeared, following that, beams of energy came flowing out of it. The beams began circling all the members of Fairy Tail, immediately worrying them. However, there was no pain, instead, a shield formed around them. After every ground member of Fairy Tail was given their own individual shield, Elvira put her hand back in front of her. She knew they weren't going to leave, so she gave them an extra layer of protection. She would be lying if she said that it would protect them, but it gave them a fighting chance, something she wanted them to have. Her actions confused the Fairy Tail members, but they were grateful.

"You know, it's easy for somebody to do the wrong thing," Elvira says, talking to Fairy Tail, even though her back faced them. "Especially when you can't see the faces of those you're wronging by your actions. Had I not see them, I probably wouldn't be standing here. Maybe it was just a coincidence, or maybe it was the universe telling me something. Honestly, I don't know what it was, but what I do know is that I won't allow Magnolia to fall because of Jose's petty reasons. Not today! I won't allow it!"

Finally, the magic circle had reached its peak, it was glowing even brighter, and it seemed as though it was ready to go off. Elvira bit her lip, scrunching up her nose as she prepared for the blast, but, the blast never came. Suddenly, the magic circle disappeared, and then, the robot dropped to the ground. Seeing this, Elvira dropped her layered shield along with the spheres she had cast around all the Fairy Tail members. She was glad that the spell never came to past but at the same time, she was embarrassed. She said all that, her whole speech, and yet none of it mattered because the spell was stopped.

         "All that," she mutters, looking down. "For nothing."

          "Not for nothing," Macao says, coming up to stand next to her, putting a hand on her head. "You showed to us that not all Phantoms bad, maybe misguided, but not bad."

          "Whether or not your succeeded doesn't matter," Bisca says. "It's the effort that counts."

          "Yeah," Wakaba agrees. "You did good kid."

          "If only we had found you first," Elvira says to herself before looking to Macao and the others. "Thank you for your kind words but I have to go now."

          "Where are you going?" Cana wonders.

          "To end this war."


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