Chapter 1

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After the Pack had kicked Stiles out he didn't knew what to do. When the bonds had broken it was one, when not even the most, painful thing he had ever to endure. It wasn't just the pain in his body but his soul and heart, too. He was lost. Lost in an endless circle of darkness and emptiness. Scott and the others had the opinion that Stiles was nothing but just a weak and useless human. They don't wanted to risks their life's for him anymore even when, in his opinion, he was the one who saved them countless times.

He knew that most of the hate he got came from the Alpha, Scott. Stiles felt so deeply betrayed by his supposed to be brother but somehow he could understand. When Stiles was possesed he killed Alison, Scott's love. But still it was the fox demon and not him. And besides that Stiles felt guilty enough. Stiles knew that not all felt like Scott did but he was their Alpha and when he made an order they must follow them without protest.

Somehow what hurt more than the betrayal of Scott was... Derek. Their relationship was somewhat difficult but in the end they understood each other on different levels. Deeper levels. They both were hurt in many ways more then they could count but acted like nothing could harm them. They hide both behind a strong shield, both made of other material. But both had the ability to look behind the others curtains and see the truth.

At first Stiles thought that he had fallen in love with the Sourwolf but discovered fast that the feelings he had where more of a deep friendship and to his surprise it was the same for Darek, even when the Hale don't wanted to say it but he don't needed to because Stiles knew. The night when the Pack kicked Stiles out Darek said nothing, nothing to defend Stiles. When the teen looked over to Derek the older of the two had a ice cold glare on his face and Stiles knew at that moment that he couldn't win an argument Derek stood behind Scott's decisions.

Stiles felt how the first bonds broke and the pain drove tears in his eyes but he refused to let them fall. The last one to break was surprisingly Isaac's and seconds before it broke Stiles could feel.... Longing. Longing a child felt towards his parent but then it was....just gone. Stiles hurried over to his Jeep. He just wanted to get home.

He drove so fast he was surprised he wasn't pulled over. When the teen was finally home he went streight into his room and laid down on his bed. Now he couldn't hold back anymore and the tears flowed down his face freely, like a never ending waterfall. It was like he was suffocating and it was like his body would shut itself down.

Suddenly there were gentle knocks on his door:"Stiles? Is everything alright?" His Dad asked through the still closed door:" Everything is just....fine..." There was silence for a short time. You could hear how much Stiles struggled to get these few words out and the sadness was clear to feel:"Stiles, when something is wrong please talk with me. I'm here for you, son." And again Stiles couldn't hold back.

Here he was laying on his bad, crying and thinking that he was all alone in the world now but there on the other side of his door was a person who loved him without doubt:" Dad..." The deep hurt swung with this one word through the room like a huge wave who would drown everything in it. The door opened and when John saw his son so broken he hurried over to him and took him in his arms.

They didn't said a word and John let his son just cry and Stiles let go of every negative, destructive feeling he held right now. After what felt like hours of crying Stiles stopped his tears and began to tell his Dad what had happened. Of course John was beyond furious.

After he had learned about the supernatural he thought that his son was safe, safe in the pack and now they were the ones who hurt him the most:" Stiles I'm so sorry that that happened to you and I can't imagine how hurtful that feels to you but I want you to know that you will NEVER be alone. I will always be there for you no matter what happens. You are my son and I love you so much and I'm so proud of you. And for the Pack, they don't know what they gave up and THEY don't deserve to have someone precious like you to call pack. Someday you will find other people who will see what I see. A good, kindhearted and strong Stiles no matter if you are human or not and they will cherish you as the person you are. "

Stiles never thought that he would hear words like this. Something bloomed in Stiles heart and just time can tell if it will bloom and overshadow the hurt and betrayal he felt right now.


AN: please leave a comment and tell me what you think or what you expect from the story. This chapter is a little bit short because it's my first story about another Show than Shadowhunters.

Maybe I edit later 🙈

And I uploaded with this app for the first time so I hope it went well ✌️😂

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