Chapter 3

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When Stiles was home again he went straight to his room and fell onto his bed. He was so confused and didn't knew what to feel. Everything was a mix of anger, sadness and betrayal. He just wanted to be gone.

He wished that he had never dragged Scott out into the woods. When he had just listened, just this one time, then he wouldn't go through all of this. The Pack couldn't be right. Of course he was "just" human but so was Allison and Lydia.

He wasn't so strong, yes he knew that but he had other things he was good at, better then the others. Stiles was the one who made up all the plans, researched and had the brain.

He remembered one night when Scott told him that he had the feeling that Stiles was the one who grounded them all and binded the wolf to their human side.

Stiles couldn't understand how it came to this. Scott was his best friend, his brother. How could all this be gone? When he thought about it  Stiles felt the hot, big tears coming back but he was done. Done with crying and done with being weak.

He would show the Pack what they were missing out on and he swore to himself that he would never forgive the deep backstabbing they had done.

Stiles waited for his Dad to come home. Of course he was nervous what the Sheriff would say to his plan but on the other hand he knew his Dad would understand.

When Noah walked through the door it was dark outside. The older man stopped in his tracks when he walked into the kitchen:" Stiles? What..? Is everything alright?" He was confused because here in front of him sat his always hyperactive, talk active son but he was so still and silent that you could here a needle drop onto the ground.

Stiles just nooded as an answer and then he motioned to the seat next to him. Stiles tried to find the right words. He was always talking so much about random things and now when it was something so important it seamt that he couldn't find the right words to express his feelings:" I.... I wanted to talk with you about something."

Noah was still confused and concerned but sat down like instructied:" Okay, so what do you want to talk about?" You could clearly see that Stiles was very nervous:" You know what happened with... the Pack and how deeply it affected me. It doesn't feel right to be here anymore.

Every time I leave the house or in the night when I want to sleep I feel this deep hurt in my heart and... and I can't take it anymore, Dad. I researched and I could graduate earlier from school. What I try to say is.... is... I... "

Suddenly Stiles felt his Dad's hand on his. When he looked up Noah had a soft look on his face:" I know, Stiles. I know you want to leave Beacon Hills after everything and I understand. Of course I wish that you would stay here.

I don't want to let you go off on your own but I know that at the moment it is the right thing for you to do and I know that you are an intelligent young man and can manage yourself.

You have managed US for so long even when it was my jop to do it and I'm truly sorry that I couldn't be there for you when you needed me the most but I'm here now and I will support you no matter what."

Stiles had tears in his eyes:" Dad... Thank you. And you are the best father I can wish for. I love you. " Noah smiled at his son's words and embraced him in a thight hug:" But I have a few conditions. " Stiles nodded:" Everything. "

" I want you to be careful and you call or text EVERY DAY. When something is wrong you tell me, no lies or secrets and I want you to come back one day, okay?" Stiles laughed, that was so his Dad:" Of course I come back. I couldn't leave you all alone forever. "

They both laughed and chatted for a while longer and then they went into their own rooms, tired of the day. Stiles was so happy that his father approved of his decision and of course he had an idea where he wanted to travel to.

Stiles took his Laptop from under the bed and arranged everything he needed.


What do you think? Where will Stiles go to?

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