Chapter 4

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A few days had passed and finally Stiles had everything ready. He knew where he wanted to go and rented a small apartment with the help of his Dad. When he would arrive there he wanted to find a job. Stiles had finished with his school so he wouldn't have any trouble.

Of course he had avoided the Pack the best he could. Now and then he would notice longing looks coming from Derek and surprisingly Isaac. But he don't wanted to think about it. Right know Stiles had packed the last of his things into his Jeep. It wasn't much just things he really needed.

Maybe he did it so he had a reason to come back besides of his Dad of course. He stood in front of his car and was sunken deep in his memories when he heard some noise cimming from behind.

Of course immediately he thought it was another threat because as if any of the enemies would give a shit about it if he still belonged to the Pack or not.

He had nothing he could use to devend himself but he had no other choice and so slowly Stiles turned around but he didn't expect to see the person who stood in front of him:"...Peter...?" There in front of him stood Peter in all his glory.

The Peter he and the others hadn't seen in months:" Hello Stiles." When Stiles heard the rough, sassy voice of the older one his heartbeat went faster. Stiles knew Peter could hear it and so he wasn't surprised when the man's grin widened. Back then when everything had settled down and there weren't any more threads Peter went away.

He said he needed a break from all this and the others were happy when Peter was gone. He belonged to the Pack just because Derek asked for it so Peter wouldn't die as a lone wolf. With the help of Stiles Scott said yes but in the end they were all happy when Peter went away, all but Stiles and Darek.

Even when Stiles would never say that out loud but even when Peter was crazy and tried to kill everyone at one point in the past, when he wasn't feral anymore Stiles really enjoyed the company.

He liked that Peter could keep up with him when he rambled on and on and brain wise they understood each other, too. When Stiles thought about it Peter was the only one who ever thanked him for his help or appreciated and complimented him.

When Stiles thoughts went that way he blushed lightly and suddenly Stiles was brought back to reality when he heard a light laugher. He cleared his throat and shoke the thoughts away:" W... What are you doing here?"

When Peter walked over to Stiles his heartbeat picked up:" What? Not excited to see me? " Stiles blushed more:" So Stiles, where are the others? And more importantly why are all your things inside the Jeep? "

There was a moment of silence" They don't want me anymore... " Stiles whispered but Peter of course could hear him clearly and immediately his smirk was gone and replaced with a sad, angry and confused look:" What do you mean, they don't want you anymore?"

Stiles don't wanted to tell Peter but he had the feeling that the elder deserved it:" They think I'm weak and pathetic and they voted me out of the Pack."

Peter could smell the salty tears and the silent whimpering:" it hurts so much, Peter. So, so much. I'm alone now. They threw me away."

Now Stiles had the tears rolling down his face and he hadn't noticed that Peter had moved in front of him.

When the Wolf stroke Stiles cheek and the tears away Stiles looked up:"I'm so sorry, Stiles. You are not alone.

When they don't see that you are worth everything, don't see how important you are to keep the Pack together then they don't deserve you. Don't deserve your kindness, your loyalty and your love."

Stiles didn't knew what to say. He never heard Peter saying such things but he couldn't see a lie in his eyes. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest and the heat painted his cheeks pink again:" I'm moving out of Beacon Hills..."

And then there was silence. Peter's eyes looked so broken and for the first time he didn't knew what to say. How could that happen?

He don't wanted Stiles to go, to leave the town... him:" You can't go Stiles." "Why? No one wants me here and everything that had happened. I can't do that anymore."

"What's with your Dad? And m-" Peter stopped himself when he saw and smelled the sadness coming from Stiles. He knew the boy and knew that he couldn't change his mind:" They will pay. I make them pay!"

And before Stiles could say something Peter was gone. He didn't knew why but he don't wanted Peter to go.

He wanted to go after him and tell him he won't leave but quickly Stiles shoke his head and shoke the thoughts away. He got into his Jeep.

The Sheriff was at work and they had said their goodbyes before he left. Stiles started the car and began his drive out of the town and into his new and hopefully better future.

When he had passed the Beacon Hills sign he could swear that he heard a sad howl in the distance and something tugged at his heart...🐺🚙

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