Chapter 2

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A few days had went by and Stiles wasn't in school. He couldn't face the Pack. It still hurt too much. He knew that he still had a few things at Derek's loft so he decided that he would get them when the others where at school. Today was the day.

He still was so afraid because he knew that Derek would be there and Stiles don't wanted to see him but he had no chance.

The things he had over there where important to him, more one of the things. It was a picture of him and his Mom before she got ill. When they were happy together, when she was still herself and Stiles wanted it back. It was one of the last pictures he had of her.

Stiles gathered all his strength and drove other to the loft. Of course he knew that Derek must heard him so the boy wasn't surprised when he saw the Sourwolf standing at the door.

When Stiles stood in front of Derek they just looked at each other and Stiles could swear that he saw sadness in the wolf's eyes. That didn't said a word and just stared at him but Stiles knew that there were so many things Derek wanted to say but couldn't:" I'm here to get my things." it was a short statement something very unusual for Stiles. Normally he would ramble about so many things and speak like a waterfall but nothing like that was shown now.

He was emotionless:"Y... Yea." Derek couldn't say more. He doesn't know what to say. He knew he had hurt Stiles deeply the other day.

It had took everything for Derek that day not to ran after Stiles, to get him back, for Stiles to forgive him but then it was to late and Derek knew that he didn't deserve forgiveness. He had hurt Stiles, a Packmate, his friend but he really thought that he would do the right thing.

He wanted to protect Stiles. Derek wished that Stiles never needed to get through something like with the demon again. It had hurt him so much to see Stiles so broken and he himself felt so helpless. He let Stiles into his loft without protesting. Stiles went through all the rooms to get his things and Derek just stood there.

When Stiles went back into the living room he saw pictures of him and the pack but there was one that stood out for him. It was a picture of just him and Derek. More Derek "asleep" and Stiles just making silly faces. Of course Stiles knew that Derek wasn't asleep, after all he had superhearing and in the picture you could see the small smile on Derek's face.

When Stiles looked at the picture nearly a smile appeared on his face but it never showed. Stiles could feel Derek's pressence behind him. He didn't exactly knew what to feel:" You know Derek, after everything what happened I really thought that I could count on you. I'm not dump. I felt for a while that Scott distanced himself from me, even before the whole possesed thing. He didn't saw a friend, a brother in me anymore just someone who held him back. Just a clumsy, weak and silly human but I thought that in the end I had you to count on. You were someone I would have give everything, a real friend, someone I could trust. "

Stiles laugh silently but he knew Derek heard it:" Again I was the fool in the end... " " Stiles.... I... " Stiles turned around to face Derek and the wolf took a step back when he saw the hurt and anger in Stiles eyes:" No, I don't want to hear it. Maybe you want to say sorry or that I should go to hell. In the end I don't care no matter what you want to say.

I'm.... I'm so angry Derek. I never imagined that this could hurt more then what Scott had done, what everyone else had done... But no matter how much it hurt or how real this was between us I don't regret it and then I think that maybe Scott was right and I'm just that... a silly human."

The two just looked at each other no one knew what to say. Stiles couldn't take it any longer and felt how the tears built up in his eyes and he don't wanted to cry in front of Derek so he took the picture of the wolf and him, his other belongings and went out to his Jeep.

Derek still stood there and proceeded everything Stiles had said. Derek knew that again he had made a huge mistake, a mistake he regrets so deeply but now it was to late.

Stiles was gone and he hated Derek.


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