Chapter - 17

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"Third Person's Point Of View"

"It's been 2 months, since Irene and Wendy Being official as a couple. And They really Good being together, Irene always Go with Son's Mansion after class, to Help Wendy, to her School activities. and every morning, they always Go to school together, having a lunch together with wendy's Friends Lisa, Seul, and byul, sometimes they let Bogum to be with them. And about Suho, after he heard the gossips about WenRene's Relationship, he finally stop to make an effort to be with Irene."

"At SM Academy"

"Irene is Busy reading Some books at Library, When someone, Sat in front of her, but her eyes is Glued to the books she's reading, that's why she can't notice that Man in front of her. And that man is now busy Staring at her Beautiful face. After a few minutes, she feels the intense stare, in front of her, and she's slowly lift her head up to meet some familiar Pair eyes, it's him, the guy she use to liked, back in her home town in Daegu her classmate, Sehun.
The Guy, start to give his sweet smile, to Confused Bunny in front of him,

" hey, it's been a while, Are you still remember me, right Joohyun?" Joohyun is her korean name, and they love to call her Joohyun instead of her name Irene in daegu. The latter, blink her eyes twice, and force a smile.

"Y...yes, of course i still remember you, i didn't know you're also studying here in Seoul. She give's him a nervous smile, she can't believe it, that first person she likes, is right in front of her, and no doubt that he still looks Good, much better actually, his tall, have a fit body, And really handsome face. His like a Version of male irene, his also too Perfect.

"Actually, it's been two days since i arrived here, my father's work is here in seoul, that's why we need to moved here. So how are you? The guy ask her but irene see how his ears turn red, but she shrugg and answer him.

"I'm fine, Just kinda busy, coz the exam is Begin in 2 days, How about you? I mean you're stay in here in the past few days, i know daegu and seoul, are very different, are you ok with that? coz i know the feeling, that all of a sudden everything is change, new surroundings, New people, new Place, you really need to adjust, everyday.

"Don't Worry, i'm with my parents, that's why is much easier, than i thought. and now that i found you here, i think i feel more excited to lived, and Study here. He smiles at her while his eyes is Glued in her eyes. The latter, give him a shy smile, and nodd at him.

"Ahm, it's almost lunch, can i invite you to have a lunch with me? You know you're the only one i knew here, and i think i want more time to be with you, i-i mean more time to talk with you." He said while his hand is now sweating coz she really mesmorized by the latter's beauty. And hoping that the latter didn't reject him.

"In the other hand, Irene, is contemplating if she agreed, or not. Coz Every Lunch time, her and wendy is Always Go to cafeteria, to eat lunch together, and she's thinking if its a good idea to bring him there, and what she gonna said to her, "hey this is my Classmate back in high school in daegu, and yes this is my Crush before the first person that i like" no, its never a good idea, and she knows Wendy really well, When it comes to this, Her possessiveness is really something and if she's mad she really scared to her. She deep in her thought when sehun, wave his hand on her, and give her a Worried look, "Hey are you ok? You're spacing. What are you thinking?
The latter give her a Awkward smile and shake's her head " Y-yeah i'm okay, uhm s-sure let's go to cafeteria together but i'm with m-my G... I mean F-friend. She mentally cursed to herself, and ask herself, why can't i tell him, that i have a Girlfriend, what's wrong with me? Maybe I don't want him to know first, yeah right, i want my family to know first. "Really? Thank you, so can we go now? I'm hungry i skip my breakfast coz i wake up late" he chuckled and give her a small laugh. Irene smile at him too, and gather her things, sehun offer to carry her others stuff, she declined but sehun is so persistent, and really want to help her, so she sighed and give her other folders and they walked to go in cafeteria. The moment they got there, Irene felt her heat beat faster, because she feels really nervous, and the sight of her Girlfriend Laughing with her Friends it's not helping at all. But when their eyes meet, she felt butterfly in her stomach, they staring lovely to each other, like no one else is around. But in a seconds, she sees how her Girlfriend's brows furrowed and her eyes its not looking at her anymore, she followed her eyes to see who or what that, stupid things interrupt their staring Moments. And then finally the realizations hit her, she forgot that she came with Handsome Guy beside her. Who's now staring Lovely? At her? While his sweet smile is also there. She immediately look back with the blonde girl, and she whisper "fuck" when she sees the cold look that Wendy Gave to her. And then she see Seulgi wave her hands on her, she give's her a nervous smile and nodd her head, then she looked back with the guy beside her still staring at her Lovely?
"Uhm, there are my F-friends so uhm let's Join them" he look to them and nodd his head "oh i see there are you're friends so I hope its ok with them"
"Irene gave her a smile and Said that "its ok with them don't think too much."
When they reach to wendy's table, Seul lisa, and byul give her a confused look, and then irene start to introduce Sehun to them, And Sehun give them a smile and offer his hand to a handshakes, but The 3 give him a fist bomb instead. but Wendy only give him a nodd, and Irene sat quickly beside wendy, and Sehun, sat beside Byul, and they started to eat, but She feels Wendy Ignoring her, and she knows, she needs something to say, so she cleared her throat and look at her busy Girlfriend eating her foods, Not minding her exsistence at all, "Hey, Can we talk? But only when you're done with you're lunch" the blonde girk give her a bored look, "You don't want to eat first, but ok i'm done now, now talk." Irene Gulped hard, whe she see that wendy is getting upset with her right now. "Uhm... Im not hungry, uhm... And I-i mean not h-here, let's talk outside?
" Why not here? Ok let's talk outside it looks like, you forgot to tell me something important huh." Wendy stand up and leave at cafeteria she didn't bother to look back to her, and her friends, sehun look at them with full of curiousity, And irene notice him, "Sehun i have something to do, uhm, just let's see each other some other time i have to go" she immediately rushed out to cafeteria to follow her Mad, Lover.
After a few minutes she saw Wendy In front of a big Glass window of their school, she sighed Deeply, and Stand beside her "Baby, I know what you're thinking, his my classmate, back in daegu, and i was shocked when i see him, in the library---

"What? You and him at the library that long? Why don't you tell me? You have you're fucking phone with you" irene see that her Girlfriend is Jealous right now, not only mad but more On jealous feeling.

"Hey baby, i told you i was shocked when i see him, there, and we talked for a while, and he asked me if can i go with him to have a lunch, baby i'm sorry, if i didn't had a chance to tell you right away." But the latter staring at window not answering her. irene slowly cling her arms to the latter, "Baby, don't be mad, i just-- the latter cut her off " Who is that guy to you? Am i right to what i think about now huh irene? wendy ask her but her eyes is glued to the glass window with her unreadable look in her face. "What are you talking about? Baby look at me, he is nothing to me" but still the blonde girl still not looking at her. "My Baby please look at me, i just accompany him coz he said i was the only one he knew, in this school-- " So He knew? Does he knew that you are my Girlfriend? Are you even bother to tell him that We're together? Coz when you introduce him to us, i don't remember, you introduce me to him as you Lover." Finally Wendy Looked at her, but irene Froze on her spot, her grip to wendy's arm getting tighter, "I'm asking you Ms. Bae, did you tell him? Irene bit her lower lip and look down, while slowly shakes her head. The blonde girl, chuckled bitterly, while staring back at the glass window, "I knew it. Is he the same guy, that You liked When you are studying in your home town. the latter, stay silence, "So, do you still like him-- irene cut her off immediately,
"What?? No! Of course not! I don't like him at all, believe me. I'm sorry if i didn't tell him, but i can tell him right away just please don't be mad at me baby i only Love you. The blonde girl shakes her head, with small laugh, "Yah Sure, You really Loved me, She replied in sarcastic way. "That's why you're afraid to tell him, the truth. wow I'm touched My Love" she said while her hands running in her blonde and soft hair.
"I'm not afraid, just... I want my parents to know first instead of him"
"Cut that shit Irene, You have a choice to tell him in the library, but you didn't. And you also have a second chance to tell him, in cafeteria but what you do? Stop hiding behind you damn excuses. Maybe You don't want to tell him coz you feel something inside you, when you see him again. she bit her lip Hard, trying hard to not outburst more, she look at her intently, " You know what? I am Very, Disappointed in You". And with that she left Irene there, With teary eyes while looking down. "I'm so sorry, and I really Love You, i really do" she said  in low tone while her tears keep flowing in her cheeks.

"I Really Love You, and I'm so sorry for being Coward"

--Finally another update 😅
Stay Safe everyone 💜💜💜

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