Chapter - 15

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"Wendy's Pov..."

"After Irene Left me, i can't concentrate, my mind is thinking of her non stop. while i'm in our class, even when i'm with My Friends, and now that i'm lying in my soft bed, she's still bugging in my damn mind. she is really mad at me. The way she looked at me, her Cold voice, her blank expression, while she said those words. But i'm confused, is she mad coz i'm avoiding her in past few days? or because she saw Joy kissing me? And she's jealous? Geez. But that's impossible. maybe it's because i've been avoiding her... Aish, i don't want to have a lot of thoughts in my mind, its not helping me, i need to see her and talked to her. I stand up, and wear my Jacket, i grab my car keys on my computer table, and Leave in my room.

"I knock on her door, but i was confused when I see bogum face, instead of Irene. He start to talk but i cut him, and ask Where's irene. His about to answer when, somone spoke at his back, and then bogum open The Door Wide, and when My eyes and Her eyes met. I see the same expressions the she'll have when were talking back there. But i'm not budge and Were staring each other and no one's blinking. But we interrupt when that guy cough, irene look at him, and he stated He want to go coz he need to go somewhere. But irene doesn't believed him, and she said their not done yet. I shocked a bit, to what i've heard coz its look like have a double meaning. Or my mind having a dirty mind.? I Asked them. Bogum is the one talking, but of course i cut him off again. And asked Irene instead.

"Eating what?? The heck. what the hell your two doing before i came here?! Irene i want your explaination. Now. I said to her.

"Why would i do that. I don't need to explain to you at all. And what are you thinking we're doing? ok Let me guess, you think bogum and I doing hot Stuff right? I can't believe you, and your dirty mind.

Irene said to me. Aish this girl, why she's giving me that attitude of her. And after that she leave and go back to her kitchen. Before i follow her i see the face of this idiot, Getting red. I smirk at him, coz i think he Love the thought of him and irene doing that thing.

"Looks like i'm not the only one have a dirty mind. You look like idiot with a red tint all over your face, your happy with the thought with your head? sad to say, It will never happened. I said to him and i see how embarras he is. and i Walk in but i bumped his shoulder when i passed to him, and go to kitchen to follow irene. When i reached to where irene was, she spoke again and she not even Fucking Looking at me.

"So why are you here, i'm not even inviting you to enter my apartment" she said with bored in her tone, while she's looking down to her foods and busy munching her Fried kimchi.

"What did you expect, i leave the two of you here alone. Just let him leave, we need to talk. I said to her, no way i can't leave you with this Idiot knowing his enjoying the thought of you and him with that stuff. I thought to myself.

'Then talk. But his stay here still. She said, still not looking at me. And my blood is boiling right now, she's not even bothered to ask me to sit, so i stand still, while my other hand hold on chair, my grip is getting tighter, coz i want to controlled my outburts of anger right now. But i know if she continue doing this, any moment, i know i've been explode. My thoughts interrupt, when bogum spoke.

"I-irene, it's getting late i need to go now, i'm also full anyway" he said with a bit stutter. Good idea you should leave now. I said to myself.

"Bogum it's only 7:30 in the evening it's too early for you to leave, you brought a lot of foods, and you said its boring to eat alone, so we need to finish this together.

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