Chapter - 11

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"Third Person's Pov"

"2 Monts Later after the incidents At "Son's Mansions" Wendy and Irene, Get along Together, but as a Wendy's Tuitor. They decided to just forgot what happened back at mansions, Irene decided just forgive the latter coz she can feel the Sincerity of wendy's apologies that night. Wendy paid irene everyweek. And to be honest, Its a big help to Irene to pay her Monthly Rent For her dorm. And also she can sends some money for her parents in daegu. And she can't deny The money that Wendy give her is No Joke. Although She decline it coz its too much, For a Tuitor. But Wendy is being Wendy. Theres a time when irene complaining she just leave the money on irene's table, even though the latter is not yet done talking, and wendy just walk out after that. Actually the amount that irene received is Double if you compared to a normal person's Working on a company. And she can also Buy Groceries Good For 1 month.

"But Still the possessiveness of the latter is still there. There's a lot of time, Irene is confused to the weird Actions, Coming from the Badass Girl. She still has no clue about the feelings Of a Younger Girl"

"At SM Academy"

"Hey excuse me Miss. Bae, Can You help me to this? Suho asking her while his scratching her nape shyly.

"Oh ok, let me see it, just adjust this a little and Focus to this side."

"Irene said but she can't notice that her and suho is so close now to each other. her face is almost touching the cheek of that boy, she just too focus to help that boy"

"Little did they know, someone is mad while staring at them, that person's face is Getting red to a sudden anger? Or Is it Good to say Because of jealousy. The latter Is always Visits to Irene's room, Coz she knows that Guy is always Do his best to get the attentions of That Beautiful Girl."

"What the both of you are doing? She asked them while her jaw is clenching in jealousy. And her eyes is focus only in Irene's Eyes.

"The latter is flinch in her spot. Coz she knows that sound of that voice, she knows that blonde girl is on her Beast mode"

"I- uhm We- i mean He just asking for our project, y-yeah im just helping him" Oh great im still nervous when she acting like this, like weird. And why she is here again? And why she always caught me in this kind of situations? I mean im not doing wrong as far as i know. But "WHY"? i feel like she doesnt need to see me talking with other Guy?? She thought to herself"

"Helping? Its Required to help him, while your face is so close to each other? She asking but now she's looking to the guy beside her, who's now giving her his so innocent looks. He just gulp before looking to The latter.

"Wendy, maybe we just too focus, that's why we can't notice that our face is so close to each other, Right Miss. Bae? She look intently to Irene's face ang giving his sweet Smiles to the latter.

"Wendy, Annoyed to see that flirty smiles on his face. Her hand now is forming in Fist. While her eyes is giving him blank stare"

"On the other hand, Irene is Feeling uneasy, she thought to herself that she's not good in this situations, and his smile is not helping her Nervously feeling right now. She wants to tell him that erase that smile on his face, but she also asking herself why she feels this way, like her Lover is Caught her with another man. This situations is giving her that Vibes."

"Yeah, yeah. That's R-right. Uhm what are you doing here? Do you forget something or you want me to ask about something? She just asking a Blonde Girl to change the topic. And she wish The blonde girl don't notice it.

"The blonde girl just chuckle. Coz she knew irene want to divert the topic to another.

"Ohh Not that Fast Miss. Bae. Its looks like, you dont want me to be here. Coz its based on the look in your face, Im interrupting a Beautiful Moments here. She said to the latter while giving her a cold look.

"Irene is about to answer, but Ms. Dara is came now to their room. "Oh Miss. Son What are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing Miss. Dara, im just Roaming around to see the most "Beautiful View" in this School" she said in Sarcastic way, while looking To Irene and Suho's eyes"

"But before she leave, she speak to irene and said"

"Miss, Bae, you don't need to Come with me later, Or the other day, you can rest for now. I'll just give you a call if I need you as A Tuitor, Just Enjoy your time with Him" she said with no marks of emotions, and her very Cold Voice that sends shivers to the latter. And with that she Leave the room.

"Irene just watch her until she disappear on her sight, she sighed heavely.

"I know what's happen after this, she's ignoring me again, but now its feels like its very diff its like she's real Mad right now" she whispers to herself.

"Irene knew's wendy's behaviour, after a lot of their misunderstandings. When it comes to irene being close or Talking to Students especially with Guy. the latter always do is avoid or ignore her. But after a few days the latter came back to her usual, like nothing ever happened. Wendy is a little bit diff now, she is not argue anymore with irene coz she doesnt want to repeat, the same mistakes again. On to what happened a months later ago to Son' Mansions. Coz she promise to herself that she dont want to Hurt irene's feelings again coz she don't want to see her crying. That's why, to avoid that things to happen again, She just Ignore or Avoid Irene, in Few days. But if she feels she's cool down she Talk to irene again. And it became their routine in the past few months. Wendy is Getting upset and jealous, with the same senarios she witness almost everyday.

"But now The latter feels that Wendy, is not gonna talk to her again soon. and she can also feel that the Blonde Girl is Not show herself to her in upcoming days. And that thought giving her a pinch in her heart. she can't deny that everytime the Blonde girl do that, she feel mix emotions, Sad, Hurt, upset and she feels something Is Missing to her.

To be continued.......

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