Becoming Immortal

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11th August, 2020.

My daily regime of counting the days,
Frontiers summoning you, to calm the blaze,
In the agony of mind, and perpetual dread,
I'd kiss you goodbye with things left unsaid.

Your imminent departure always left a void,
In my heart so naive, with reasons to be annoyed,
My desolate mornings, with dreams untrue,
My pillows cold, now smelled less like you.

I've imagined you stride in your warrior suits,
In my devilish joy, I'd practice your salutes,
When you called me from some Afghan cave,
Tears met my smile, as I whimpered being brave.

Your military badge, with the flag so bright,
I marvelled at it daily, wishing we'd reunite,
Entrusting me with it, and promises made,
You hugged and left on the day of the parade.

Weeks flew by but no calls from your side,
Fate played out, brought this dreadful tide,
You gained freedom, by paying the price,
Unforgettable honour, the ultimate sacrifice.

It's the 15th again, and the country glows,
Parades again, my heart in painful throes,
You'll look down proudly holding heavenly scrolls,
Your memory kept alive in millions of souls.

~ Neeraj Giri ~ ©

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