Chapter 14: Earth to Dani!

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If this love only exists in my dreams... don't wake me up. ~ C.B

Note: Bryce is black now. I couldn't imagine Dani dating a white boy. (Idk why, just couldn't.)

Dani's P.O.V

I sat on Bryce's bed and cried for what seemed like hours. Bryce continued to try and console me but I just pushed him off. "You know what..." he said hopping off of the bed. I looked up at him. "This is why you alone now. You so damn bitter! Nobody can't never tell you nothing cause you so damn mean! The way you treat your family is fucking disgusting and as long as you under my damn roof I ain't finna tolerate it. You needa damn wake up call Dani! Cause the way you acting is getting you NO WHERE. I'm trying to comfort you and care for you like a good friend should but you ain't letting me cause you too damn focused on self! Get out of SELF Dani!" Bryce screamed.

That made me cry even more because I knew he was right. "Oh shut up and hold me" I said. He shook his. "Nah, I don't think I can anymore" he said walking out. And here's how I always end up. Alone. I sighed and took off my robe. I slid under the covers and cried myself to sleep. I hit up Maurice and told him I wouldn't be in tonight. I just wasn't feeling up to it.

I won't be in tonight. Something came up.


Alright. This is the FIRST and last time you miss work.


I didn't have time for the bullshit. One wording would be enough. I laid in bed to reminisce on what all Bryce said. And he was right. He was definitely right. I always thought about 'what if I wasn't the way I was.. where would I be?' Probably better off. Still in Louisiana with my mom. But I couldn't act civilized for shit.

I never thought I'd be 16, living with this sexy ass nigga, and stripping for this EVEN SEXIER nigga. Its crazy. I wasn't this 'rude' growing up. I was a sweet little girl, I wanna know what happened. I met Chris when I was just 14. That's probably what sent me over the deep end.

Bryce loved me and I saw that. I just didn't want him to. It's hard, ya know? I felt like crying again but my eyes were too puffy already. I pulled out a pack of Newports and my blue rhinestone lighter. I needed a smoke.

This shit was ridiculous.

Ashley's P.O.V

I was cooking dinner when I heard the front door open. "Hey babe, go wash up for dinner. Kacey laughed. "You ain't my mama" he said. "But I am your roommate" I said. He winked at me and jogged upstairs. So I got my job back and I also accomplished something that should've been done years ago.

There were two reasons why I gave Dani up to my sister; one, I wasn't mentally ready for a child. I was iust 14. Two, I didn't want her. She is the seed of a disgusting crime. Every time I look at her memories flow back. Its sickening.

Kacey snapped me from my thoughts. "What's cookin good lookin?" he said kissing me cheek. I turned the stove off and fixed both of our plates. "It sure isn't your corny ass" I said. He laughed. "Oh you got jokes?" he said.

"Is my pussy good" I said with a smirk. He cleared his throat. "Touche" he said. We said grace and dug in. "So, how did you ask for your job back?" he said taking of bite of his chicken alfredo. "I ju-- "Damn this is poppin, ian know you could cook this well!" he said. I laughed.

"Well damn, anywhore. I just asked for it back" I said simply. "Russell let you get off that easy, no questions?" he asked. I shook my head. "All he said was be careful, I dont know what he meant but I took his word" I said.

"Bet" he said. I shrugged my shoulders and continued eating.

Dani's P.O.V

It was 2 in the afternoon and I haven't got out of bed YET. I need to schedule an appointment with the psychiatrist. It was time to get help.

Sorry this chapter is REALLY short . I have school in the a.m , so that meanssssss... no more updating till Friday. Sorry guys. Student first, author last.

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