4.)Ice Ice Baby.

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Bruce and Jason are having breakfast.Bruce is drinking his coffee and reading newspaper.

Bruces eyes widen as he reads
"Black Mask released"

Jason:You ok?

Bruce:Ah shit i gotta go Jason.

Bruce gets up and heads to his car.He drives somewhere....

City Hall

Harvey Dent:Bruce im telling you ill be fine.I have a bunch of security.

Bruce:Harv you cant be sure.You put Sionis away.

Harvey:I get that Bruce but ive been threatend many times.

Bruce:Ok Harv just be careful.

He and Harvey hug before Bruce leaves and gets in his car.

Alfred:*In coms* Bruce someone would like to speak with you.Ill turn on the voice modulator.

Anarky:Hello Batman.


Anarky:So you know me good.As you know The Joker is looking to takedown people who have wronged him and he thought itd be fun for a little chase.Joker would like you to meet him where people can go and relax but be freezing in the same way.

Batman:Ill meet him there.

Anarky:Good.Bye Bye bats.

Alfred:That didnt sound too promising.

Bruce:I know Al.Im coming back to the manor.

Ace Chemicals

Joker:Suzie i told you i don't like my meatloaf cold.Be a doll and MAKE IT HOTTER!!!!!

Suzie:Yes...Mr Joker sir.

Anarky walks in.

Anarky:Sir the Bat took the bait.

Joker:Good.Then he will know what we have in store.

Anarky:Should i go along with Operation Killing Joke.


Suzie walks back in and hands Joker a plate.

Joker touches the meat.

He grabs his fork.

Joker:Suzie...babydoll come here and touch this.

Suzie walks over.

Suzie:Im sorry sir.

Joker:Its ok.We all make mistakes.I made one for not doing this sooner.

He stabs her in the head with the fork a bunch of times!!!

Joker:Lonnie....get my suit ready.

Anarky:Of course sir.


Bruce is in the cave trying to figure out what this means.

Jason is training.

Bruce:You can relax at a hotel...but why would it be cold.....

Alfred:Sir i have something for you from a certain someone.

Bruce grabs a invitation.


Bruce:I know where they will be.


A bunch of famous people in Gotham are in the lounge danchng,drinking and just having a grand time.

Two men walk up.

Bouncer:Can i have some ID gentlemen.

One of the men hands him one.

Its a paper that says "ID"

Bouncer:Sir this isnt i-

Then we see a flower shoot onto the man and he starts to laugh.We see The Joker,and Anarky walk in.

Oswald:Ladies and Gents welcome to the Grand Reopening of The Iceberg Lounge!!! Now in the past i will admit i wasn't the most friendly face but now that changes.I have turned over a new leaf.

Joker:Have you now Oz?

Oswald:You! What are you doing in here?!?!

Bruce Wayne is watching this.He looks over and sees someone.


The woman walks away.

Joker:Well lets just say i have a plan.....

Just then throughout the vents a bunch of Laughing gas comes down.

Someone grabs Bruce and Oswald and pulls them away into a safe room.

Joker and Anarky have gas masks on as the room is filled with bodies of people with there faces in a smile thats not possible.

Oswald looks at the person


We see the man.

Edward:Hello old friend.

Oswald:NOT YOU!

Bruce:You two stop fighting we need to get out of here.

Oswald:Why did you save us?!?!?!

Edward:Save us? Please

He knocks out Bruce.

Edward:I simply want to be friends again and to kill that crazy bastard.

Oswald smirks.

Oswald:Lets get our revenge.


Bruce wakes up in a bed.

A cat jumps on him and lays on him.

Selina:Need some coffee?

Bruce:Hi Selina.

He holds his head.

Selina:Dont worry i let Alfred know about you.


Selina walks over and hands him a cup of coffee as she drinks hers.

Bruce sit up and takes the cup.

Bruce:Thanks.So why were you there?

Selina:Lets just say i was hired for work.I was working with that psychopath.Then he betrayed me.I was gonna kill him but i knew his plans.

Bruce:You want revenge?

Selina:Yes and no.I would like to kill him but i wont.

Bruce:Selina revenge is a fools game.We all want revenge but it will cause more pain.

Selina smiles and kisses him

They look into each others eyes.

Selina:Anyway lets get you home.

Wayne Manor

Jason is in his suit hes trying to sneak out of the cave but bumps right into Alfred whose in front of him.

Alfred:Just where do you are going Master Todd?

Jason:Come on Al.The Joker needs to be stopped.

Alfred:Hes too dangerous.You will not go alone.Now come on lets head upstairs.

They start to walk but Jason grabs a gun of his and strikes Al in the back of the head with it knocking Alfred out.

Jason gets on his bike and drives out of the cave.

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