14.)Under the Red Hood

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Bruce is sitting at a table in the manor.Dick,Tim,Barb,and Selina are there.

Bruce gets a call.

Red Hood:Well your target has arrived Bruce.You will kill The Joker.


Red Hood:Ill see you at the East Docks Bruce.

The call ends

Dick:Do you need help?

Bruce:Ill be fine.

Selina:Are you really gonna go?

Bruce:Yes but he doesnt know something...

East Docks

Bruce arrives in the Batmobile.He sees a warehouse and he walks in.

He sees a man watching him on a balcony

Btw thats a action figure someone made and someones selling it i believe

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Btw thats a action figure someone made and someones selling it i believe.Also i own none oc these photos or characters.They all go to their respected owners.

Red Hood:Good to see the Guest of honor has arrived.

He jumps down and walks over to a wall where he pulls Joker out tied on a chair.Joker has been beaten up and tourtured.

Joker:Hehe hey batsy!

Red Hood:Shut it Clown! You know what to do Batman.


Red Hood:What?!?!

Batman:No i wont.

Red Hood:You will or ill kill him!!! YOU WILL!! NOW DO IT!

He points a gun at Joker.


Batman:You wont.I know you wont.

Red Hood:How do you know?

Batman:I know who you are....Jason.

Red Hood stops in his tracks and removes his helmet

Jason:Looks like you are the worlds greatest detective

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Jason:Looks like you are the worlds greatest detective.

Batman:Youve always been a whiny brat!

Jason:and youve always been pathetic! You never killed him!!! Not even for my life!!!! You never once thought about me! ME! YOU REPLACED ME IMMEDIATELY AFTER WITH SOME KID WHO CANT EVEN FIGHT.HE KILLS SO MANY PEOPLE! HE JUST KILLED A SICK LADY! HES A MONSTER! THE MORE YOU LET HIM BE FREE THE MORE PEOPLE HES KILLED!!!

Batman:Maybe.He always escapes but i beat him each and every time.You dont get it Jason....if i kill him i become him.I become the very thing im trying to stop!I will never be that because im.not.him!

Jason:You are so wrong!!! KILL HIM BRUCE!

Batman:Goodbye Jason.

He walks away.


Just then someone walks in.Harley Quinn with a bunch of guards.

Red Hood grapples away as they cut out Joker.

Harley:You Ok puddin?!?!?!

Joker:Im fine Harley...Im f-

He stops talking and laughs and then falls down.He has a hole through his chest.

Harley:PUDDIN!!!!! MISTA J!! NO!!!!


Harley holds the Joker in her hands.

Jason is in his apartment and recieves a letter.

"Welcome Back"

Jason smirks.

Then we cut to a Rainy night and see Nightwing,Catwoman,Robin,Batman, and.....Red Hood.

They are the Bat Family! They are tge protecters of Gotham! They are knights.

The End

HEY GUYS!! Wyatt here and its official Gotham Knights is over and you can probably guess whats gonna come next.....

PFH not a book! A ad!

When im sad i take Zasszatrol.It always makes me happy and snuggly.

Some sideaffects are rash,cancer,diabetes,dea-

OK that got away from me quick but yes there will be another Batman book soon.So guys please let me know how this book and chapter was? Favorite character and moment? And is this better then the first one or no?

Anyway guys thank you.

We see a monitor with a Gotham news report.We zoom out and see more monitors .

We see a man turn his head to look at the camera.

We see Edward Nigma with a hat on

Riddler:Im back

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