9.)A Death in the Family

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Batman exits the Batmobile and looks at Ace Chemicals.

He walks in and crouches as he sees some guards.

Guard 1:It dont kill ya it just feels like your being hit with a sledgehammer.

Guard 2:Good thing he can get the Batmobile in here.

Guard 3:I know.How didnt it kill you?

Guard 1:Its non lethal rounds.Smart.He just wants to scare ya but i aint scared.

Batman smiles and presses a button.

Then we see the batmobile DRIVE THROUGH THE WALL AND TAKE OUT 2 OF THE GUARDS!!!!!

Guard 1:AHHHHH SHIT!!!!!!

Batman walks over and steps on the guard.


Guard 1:GO TO HELL!

Batman then presses a button and the batmobiles tire goes straight to the mans face.

Guard 1:AHHHHHH AHHHH! OK OK!!! HES AT ARKHAM!!!!! Your sidekicks there too!!


He knees the man knocking him out.

Hes about to leave when he hears this


Batman rushes over and runs up a bunch of steps.He arrives at the catwalk and see Anarky there dangling.

Anarky:Please batman help me! Joker betrayed me! He said hed help my family!

Batman:Whats he trying to do?

Anarky:Hes....Hes trying to make Gotham his.

Batman:Come on Kid.Lets get you home.

He helps him up.

Batman:*In coms*Alfred let the GCPD know Anarkys at Ace.Dont have them arrest him.Hes just a kid.He didnt actually commit any crimes.

Alfred:Of course sir.

Batman:A Squad car will come and pick you up.

Anarky:Ok.....Thanks Batman.

Batman walks away and hops in the Batmobile.

He starts heading to Arkham Asylum but stops as he sees a flood of Prisoners from Arkham running free.Batman then gets a call.

Bruce:Hey Harv whats u-

Harvey:Bruce i think someones after me....My guards arent responding.

Bruce:You will be ok Harv.Ill be right there...

Just then the door opens to the Mayors office.

Black Mask and a bunch of his men walk in.

Harvey:No! Not you it.

Black Mask:Harvey...Its been a while.

Some of the men beat up Harvey and have a hold of him.

Black Mask is holding a cup.

Black Mask:You see Harv....i told you in that courtroom id get revenge....and now its time for revenge.

He throws the acid straight into the side of Harveys face.



Just then Bruce gets a transmission.

Alfred:Sir The Joker has a message for you though.....well...its horrifying.

Bruce:Play it.

Then on a screen in the Batmobile we see Jason Todd chained in a chair.

Joker:Tell me what you said earlier Jason.

Jason:My name is J...Jason Todd and i.......i hate Batman.

Joker;Why Jason?

Jason:Hes left me here with a psychotic man! He doesn't let me take out the criminals permanently.Hes a problem.


Joker walks into frame.

Jason:No please no more....

Joker walks up and nails Jason in the face with a crowbar a bunch.

Joker grabs a stick with a "J" symbol at the bottom and heats it up.

He walks over to Jason


The camera falls over and we only hear this



Batman is zooming straight to Arkham.Hes tryong the best as The crowd is becoming better.

He slams his foot down and goes so fast to Arkham.

He arrives and just as hes about enter IT EXPLODES!!!!!

Bruce is sent back through the gate and over the Batmobile.


Bruce wakes up and sees the building in shambles.

He runs in and sees Jasons body.

He grabs him and picks him up.

He grabs him and picks him up

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A few years later

Bruce:After the death of my son Jason i became a different man.The Batman became more ruthless,more dangerous,........more feared.But then someone helped me.My family helped me become who i was.My new sidekick Tim Drake,My technical wizard Barbara Gordan aka Oracle,Alfred, and My son.....Dick Grayson.Now The Batman is respected but i cant forget about the man who caused this.My mortal enemy....The Joker.Me and Him have been going at it for years.But for now hes where he belongs.....In The new Arkham Asylum.

Tim walks up to Bruce in the cave.

Tim hands him a newspaper which says "Red Hood spotted again"

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