7.)Mad Love I

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One of Jokers men is carrying Jason.They carry him and put him in a car.

Joker:Boys....we are going back home!!!!!


They start driving and we see where they are heading...

Arkham Asylum.

Thug:Boss wont we get arrested?

Joker:No.I know some people on the inside?

Thug2:Like the doc?

Joker:Yes HUHUHU!

The two guards guarding the gates are talking.

Man:Standing is so weird

Man2:Listen you are so weird for leaning.

Man:Well at least my shit cant fall onto the ground!

Man 2:Well its easier to wipe your ass like that!

Then they see a truck coming.

Thug:Boss this is too fast!!!!!....Boss......boss....BOSS!!!

Then the truck burst through the gate!!!!!


They all exit.

Thug3:Boss what are we doing here?

Joker:Getting a few friends.

They walk in and shoot a few guards.

Asylum Cafe

We see a female doctor get a coffee but another doctor bumps into her

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We see a female doctor get a coffee but another doctor bumps into her.

Doctor:Oh no! Im so sorry.

Female Doctor:Its all good.

Doctor:I dont believe ive met you before.Im doctor Penelope Young.

Female Doctor:M...my names H....Ha...

Just then the alarm goes off.

Penelope:Oh no...im sorry what did you say.

Female Doctor:Dont worry.....you will learn it soon.*smirks*

Then Penelope runs off.

The female doc smiles and walks away.She walks over and presses a button.

Female Doctor:*In walkie talkie* Party time Puddin!!!!

She presses a button and everyone is released from their cells.A bunch of people run but we see one man slowly step out.

Roman Sionis:This time im escaping for good.

Joker:*In walkie talkie*You did good.....

Female Doctor:Thanks Mr.J and Harleen doesnt fit anymore.....Say hello to your new and improved Harley Quinn!


Harley walks out and jumps into Jokers arms.

Joker:Boys....lets go home.

Thug:But boss the bat will be going to Ace.

Joker facepalms


Thug:Then where?

Joker:This is our home now.

Harley:The Asylum?

Joker:Yes.......it is where our love started......HUHUHUHUHUHU

A few months ago

Dr.Joan Leland:Harleen.Im intrigued by you interning for Arkham.

Harley:I always had a thing for extreme personalities.

Joan:Let me warn you though...these are highly dangerous criminals.....they will eat you for breakfast and enjoy it.

Harley:Ey ey doc.

Harley walks away and enters a cell.

She grabs her tape recorder.

Harley:Patient interview number one..."The Joker" aka Red Hood.

We only see the Jokers hands.Hes shuffling playing cards.

Joker:So im your first doc....

Harley:Indeed.Tell me a bit about yourself and your past.

Joker:Well......im the clown prince of crime....and to answer your question doc....If im going to have a past....i prefer it to be multiple choice.....But hey ill tell ya anyway because...doc.....i like you....

Harley smirks.

Harley:You are trying to flirt arent ya?

Joker:Maybe...now where was i OH YES so my childhood was good.I had a nice family.One day my dad took me to the circus a lot but one day it was unique.It was very different........He went crazy.Madness fueled him.He started to go batshit crazy....until......

Harley:Until what tell me.Tell me!

Joker:Thats for another time doc

He leans in and we see his face and he holds a card.A joker card.

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