10.)Cold Cold Heart

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Wayne Manor

Bruce wakes up from a phonecall.


Lucius Fox:Bruce! Did you hear what happened?!?!?!

Bruce:No what?

Lucius:There was a accident at GothCorp.A scientist was injured.

Bruce:Shit...are they ok?

Lucius:Not exactly...The docs said his body now has to be under subzero temperatures.

Bruce:Oh god Lucius we are in deep shit.

Lucius:Thats not the worst...he checked himself out of the hospital.


Lucius:Lets just say the Hospital is like a icebox.

Bruce:Geez....Does anyone know where he is?

Lucius:No.Apparently he went to the building next door....

Bruce:Isnt there a butcher?

Lucius:Yeah and he stayed in the meat locker until...

Bruce:Fuck....We need to stop him.

Lucius:Well we cant he left there.He was last scene near Bleake Island.

Bruce:I think i can track where the subzero temperature is.

Lucius:Good luck Bruce also by the way i have some new tech for you.Just stop by the tower when you can.

Bruce:Will do.

We just see Bruces face and then the camera zooms out and we see Bruce in his boxers and a woman in only a bra and panties.

Woman:*Yawns* So i think i can officialy say this isnt a one night stand anymore.


We see her face and its....

Selina Kyle:I see why you are called a "play"boy.

Bruce and her kiss.

Tim walks past.

Tim:Wake up lovebirds.

Selina:Well he is better then Richard.

Bruce chuckles.

Bruce gets up and walks over to his wardrobe and puts pants on,a nice shirt,yellow tie,a vest,and then a suit jacket.

Selina:Look at you all dressed up.Ive only seen this on TV.

Bruce:Do you need me to take you home so you can get clothes?

Selina:No.I brought clothes.I knew how you do things.

Bruce smiles.

Selina goes in a room and changes.

Bruce is on his bed and turns on the TV.

We see Jack Ryder doing the news reports.Hes finally back.When Joker gave Jack some of the gas it wasnt the full dose that would be enough to kill someone only make them smile and laugh but not die.After many years of therapy and reconstruction Jack is back and looks better then ever.

Vicki:Its good to see you back Jack.So tell us whats been going on in Gotham.

Jack:The Red Hood has been reappearing.The last time we saw this criminal was when him and his gang were stopped by The Batman.

Vicki:In other news...Christmas is coming up Gotham and with that comes the annual Christmas parade but now it seems like something else will be happening.Billionare Philanthropist Bruce Wayne will be holding once more his annual holiday dinner for families in need at Gotham High.

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