12.)Extreme Environments

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*Continuing from the last chapter

Bruce rushes out as he hears the gunshot.He sees Alfred,Tim,and Dick crowding around someone.

Bruce looks and sees Selina holding the side of her belly thats bloddy.


Selina:Nnnnggh...Bruce.It was The Red Hood.....he got me.He.....knows who you are.

Bruce:Al get the first ad kit!

Dick:Just stay with us Selina!.

Alfred runs out with the Kit.

Bruce lifts her shirt up revealing her stomach and her wound.

Bruce:Fuck its bad.

He grabs a big towel and applies pressure on the wound.

Bruce:CALL 911!!!!

Gotham Med

FYI Its not a icebox anymore

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FYI Its not a icebox anymore

Bruce,Tim and Dick are in the room with Selina on the bed.Its later in the day and Selinas wound has been healed.

Bruce looks anxious.

His phone rings.

He answers.

Red Hood:So i see you believe me now Bruce.

Bruce:Why are you doing this?!?!

Red Hood:Because i was ruined by you Bruce.You made this not him!


Red Hood:You really dont know....do you Bruce?Ha......the worlds greatest detective is turning into a phony.

Bruce:Whomever you are i will stop you.

Red Hood:Pffh.Ive heard the cliche so many times.Bruce listen.....i wanted you to reveal your identity so i can ruin you but i know what would ruin you.Breaking your rule.


Red Hood:Then more problems will come Bruce.When the one i need you to kill returns....you will be the first one to know.Goodbye Batman.

Red Hood hangs up.

Bruce looks and sees the Bat signal.

Bruce:I got to go guys.Can you take care of her?

Dick:Yes Bruce.

Bruce:Thank you.

He walks over and kisses Selinas head before walking out and driving to GCPD after he suits up.

He arrives at the rooftop and sees Oswald Cobblepot,Jim Gordan,And Edward Nigma.

Batman:Hello Jim.Mr Mayor,Mr Nigma.

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