8.)Mad Love II

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A few months ago

Harleen is walking in her office when she sees a rose and a card.

" - J "

Harleen smirks and smells it.

She grabs the rose and starts walking.She arrives at the cell of "The Joker"

Harleen:Wanna explain how this got in my office?

Joker:I put it there hehehehehehe...

Harleen:I bet the guards wouldn't like to hear you were out of your cell...

Joker:If you wanted to tell them you would've already...

Harleen smirks.

Harleen:We have a session later.....

She walks off.

Present Day

Joker is with Harley sitting.

Joker:Doll...i want to take you somewhere...

Harleen smile

Harleen:Ok Mista J.

Joker grabs her hand and takes her to a car of his.

They drive somewhere.

Joker:We are here Harley

Harleen:Why are we here?

Joker:You said youd do whatever it takes to be with me....so thats why we are here.We need to match.

They start walking and we see where they are....

Ace Chemicals

They walk  while until they reach a catwalk where they are under the very acid that made The Joker.

Joker:Harley are you ready?

Harleen nods.

Joker:Then as you wish....

Harley falls backwards into the acid.

Her skin changes to white.Her skirt,Shirt,and jacket disintegrate a bit.Harleys shirt turns to a croptop sort of.Joker dives back in and grabs Harley.

They then start to kiss.Joker picks her up and exits the big container.He carties her up to the main office.

Joker:Now Harley this wont work....i have a nice outfit for you.

He hands her a outfit and Harley looks at it and smiles.

She walks to the bathroom in the office and changes.She walks out.

Harley:How do i look puddin?

Joker:Great!!! Come on...we got to get back home.

Hey guys sorry this is a short chapter.I couldve fit it into the last one but i didnt and im sorry.Anyway i hope u enjoyed.

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