11.)The Red Hood

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We see the GCPD Rooftop.We cut to the bat signal turned off.

We hear footsteps until we see a mans legs

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We hear footsteps until we see a mans legs.Part of it is blocked by his long coat.He walks up to the signal and drills out the screws of the bat symbol.

He pulls something out of a bag of his.

Wayne Tower*Bruce Waynes Office*

Bruce Wayne is in his office with Lucius Fox

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Bruce Wayne is in his office with Lucius Fox.

Lucius is holding a batarang with a orange mark going across it.

Lucius:Now this bad boy will explode when you push a button.It wont kill the person but will send them flying.

Bruce smiles

He then pulls something out of his suitcase.

Lucius:Now as you know in your suit you have things built in like a microphone so you can hear thugs.You also carry a lot of gadgets and i made you a new utility belt so you can have more room.This one will be perfect.Id like to introduce you to Glue Gun.

Bruce:Im sorry what?That sounds stupid

Lucius:You can trap any enemy in this "glue" which will cause them to be stuck.It would go perfect when you need to interogate someone or just shut them up.

Bruce:Ah i spoke to soon.Thanks Lucius.

Lucius:No problem.Im working on some more tech,For example a Drone that can scan a lot of chemicals,saliva,alcohal and much much more.

Just then The Bat Signal flashes on only its not a bat its a different logo.

Just then The Bat Signal flashes on only its not a bat its a different logo

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Bruce:What the...

Lucius:Ummm well thats odd.

Bruce gets a call.

Tim:Bruce do you see that?

Bruce:Yes.Suit up.Ill meet you there.

Tim:Ok Bruce.

He hangs up and leaves.

He walks towards his car and it turna into the Batmobile.He puts on his suit,and heads to GCPD.

We see Batman and Robin.

Btw this is robins suit.

Btw this is robins suit

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Batman:Whats this?

Jim:Someone vandalized the signal.We have the old symbol but.

Harvey Bullock throws it at Batmans feet.

Its broken,and has these words on it"You never forget.I never forget"

Harvey:Read it yet?

Batman:Don't push my buttons Bullock.

Harvey:Or what? Will ya break my bones?

Robin:No but i will you useless cowardly fat son of a bitch!

Jim:ENOUGH!We need to know who did this!

Batman looks at something.

Batman:I know who....

On a big jumbotron where ads normally would be we see the same logo.

Its has a countdown and then it cuts to a room.We see a crowbar.Theres a man in a chair and we see another man walk up.

Civilain:Please let me go....

Man:No.I wasn't let go and you wont either.Gotham....i am Red Hood.Your batman is no savior.Hes a freak,a traitor.....a lier.I am your freedom.You see i make sure Criminals are done....permanently.I make sure you wont fear they may come back.And this man here....this is someone who works for our mayor....A man who was a criminal.Just because he went to Arkham and was cleared "sane" hes free.No....i wont stand for this.

He shoots the man in the head.

Red Hood:I refuse to let criminals run this city with broken bones.I refuse to let the Batman run this city! Batman.....you have 5 days until i strike next.If you dont tell the world your identity...i will kill someone close to you.

Batman looks pissed.

Robin:Its ok Batman.

Harvey:Good luck Bats.

He walks off.

Jim:Be careful Batman.

A few days later

Bruce is at Wayne Manor when Tim walks in.

Tim:Hey Bruce you got a letter.

Bruce opens it once Tim hands it to him.

Bruce opens it and sees a image of Batman and then a note.

"I know who you are"

Bruces eyes widen as he then hears a gunshot!


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