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Jason is on his bike zooming through traffic to get to Ace Chemicals.He arrives,takes off his helmet and looks up at the building.

He arrives,takes off his helmet and looks up at the building

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Jason:No guards....this is gonna be easy.

He walks in the front door and crouches as he sees two men.

Man 1:You know a few years ago i remember Bruce Wayne knocking me out.It seemed familiar but i thought it was the concussion.

Man 2:I know he drove my head into his knee and broke my nose in four places.But hey we learned something that day.

Both:Dont mess with the Playboy Billionare.

Just then Jason walks behind them and drives their heads into each others heads knocking them out.

Jason:Yeah dont mess with his son either.

He crouches and walks throughout the hall before entering the room to the main offices.

He grapples up a ledge.

Thug:This is so stupid i have to be here.Im not a guard im a thug! This is bullshit but i now know dont talk back to tha boss.Poor Lenny didnt.....Next time i know to shut my mouth and be a good little thug.

Jason grabs the thugs head and drives it onto the railing knocking him out.

Jason hops over the railing before rushing up the stairs.And there he sees him.The Joker.

He waves at him before sticking his tounge out.Just then the stairs under Jason start to crumble before FALLING! Jason barely hangs onto a ledge.


Jason climbs back up as Joker runs off.

Jason rushes up stairs before seeing Joker on a catwalk that leads to the factory.Below them are big vats of acid.

Jason runs over.


Joker:Its not yet.....its only begun........Jason...

Jason:How do you?

Joker:Remember Mom and Dad? I killed them.They didnt give you up...they were buried six feet under.


He rushes over and tackles Joker.Joker headbutts him and pushes him off.Joker grabs him and tosses him through a glass window into the next room.

He walks in,grabs Jason by his hair and slams his head down on the desk!

Some of Jokers men and Anarky walk in.

Anarky:Everything ok boss?

Joker:Yes.Our operations going good Lonnie.Too bad you wont be here for the rest of it...


Just then a Joker brute grabs Anarky and throws him out of the window.

He lands on the railing straight on his spine.He falls of but barley hangs on.Hes dangling above the huge containers of chemicals


Joker:A word of advice kid....Don't trust anybody.

Him and his men walk away.


Bruce arrives at the Cave.

He gets out of his car and sees the bike and Alfred on the ground.


He runs up and wakes him up.

Bruce:Al are you ok?!?!

Alfred:Agh....yes sir.....Master Todd is going for The Joker.

Bruce:Shit.I have to stop him.

Alfred:Ill be here sir talking with you the whole time.

Bruce:Jasons too rebellious.I havent been good to him......

Alfred:You've just been trying to protect him Master Bruce.He knows it.Go and bring him home.

Bruce walks over to the batsuit chanber and we see his reflection on the glass of the chamber.He places his hand on it which scans it.

The chamber opens and we see the batsuit.

He suits up and grabs his keys and presses a button which turns his car into the batmobile.

He drives out of the cave.

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