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          haechan walked to renjuns house, the olders chest lying on his back and his head on the youngers shoulder. renjuns right cheek was squished on haechans right shoulder, making his head turn to face haechans neck. haechan felt renjuns hot breath fan over his skin, making him shiver a bit.

          haechan turned his face to look over his shoulder, only to be met with a sleeping renjun, dangerously close. haechan gulped, resisting the urge to kiss renjun right then and there. he turned his head back to face in front of him, now focusing on getting renjun back to his place safe. luckily, he still remembered renjuns address from his brief visit.

          he carefully let go of one of renjuns thighs, using that hand to hold renjun up by his ass. he shouldnt be touching there, he knows, but he really doesnt have a choice if he wants to get renjun home. he let go of the other hand, using that one to take his phone out and search for directions to renjuns place. once he got the directions, he put his phone back into his pocket and continued to walk.

          a couple of minutes had passed and haechan was humming lyrics to shinees replay when he felt renjun shift on his back. he heard the other groan quietly.

"did i wake you? sorry, injunnie." haechan whispered to him, sympathetically smiling.

"mm, its okay" renjun replied, nuzzling his face into the crook of haechans neck. the younger softly smiled, tilting his head and kissing the top of renjuns head.

          renjun blushed, smiling contentedly on haechan. they arrived at renjuns house in no time, meaning they had to part ways.

"well, see you at school?" haechan said, putting renjun down. renjun rubbed his nape before responding.

           "actually, uh- dont you wanna, like- dont you wanna take a break from uh- walking?" renjun asked nervously. haehan smiled, knowing this was renjuns way of asking haechan to come in. the younger hummed in agreement and renjun beamed in excitement. they went inside, bumping into johnny.

"oh, you're back sweetie- and you brought haechan?" johnny asked, hugging renjun and letting go to face haechan.

"just for a bit" renjun answered. johnny hummed in response, giving haechan a small smile before walking off.

"by the way, pa is out with a few friends right now, okay?" johnny yelled from the kitchen.

"okay!" renjun yelled back, leading the younger to his room.

          they got to renjuns room and haechan sat down on renjuns bed while the other laid down on his back instead. haechan looked around renjuns room, occasionally smiling while looking at some paintings hung on the wall.

"you're acting like you've never seen my room" renjun joked.

"well i mean last time you didn't give me more than seven minutes to do so" haechan scoffed jokingly.

          renjun frowned, remembering how rude he was to haechan just a couple of days ago. he sat up, scooting closer to the younger and rested his cheek on haechans shoulder. haechan looked down at the older, confused to why he was seeing him frowning.

"im really sorry that i acted like that, haechannie" renjun apologised, putting his chin on haechans shoulder.

          the twos faces were only centimetres apart, they could practically feel eachothers breath on their lips. haechans eyes flickered from renjuns eyes to his lips, unconsciously licking his lips. renjun leaned in a bit, stopping when their noses were touching. haechan closed his eyes, capturing renjuns lips onto his.

          the kiss wasn't the best, considering it was both of their first kisses. they had no experience, but they were working with what they had. their lips moved in sync. the feeling of their lips pressed against each other is something they knew they would never get sick of.

          it was a sweet kiss, nothing of them not intending to go further than kissing. renjun dragged his tongue over haechans lower lip gently, asking for entrance to which haechan obliged. haechan parted his lips, allowing renjun to deepen the kiss. renjun lifted himself onto haechans laps, continuing the kiss. he wrapped his arms around haechans neck as haechan put his hands on renjuns waist. renjun wrapped his legs around the youngers waist. they pulled away slowly, resting their foreheads together.

"i like you. a lot. more than- more than a friend should" renjun admitted with closed eyes. haechan let out a breathy chuckle.

"me too, renjun. i like you a lot too"

          renjun smiled brightly, resting his forehead on the crook of haechans neck, engulfing the younger in a hug. haechans arms wrapped around the olders waist, putting his chin on the other shoulder. the two stayed in that position for a bit, not wanting to get out of eachothers embrace.

"renjun" haechan said.

"hm?" renjun responded.

"dont feel sorry about the past anymore." he kissed the olders shoulder before putting his chin back on it.

"but i-"

"no buts, renjun. really, dont blame yourself. you said you had trust issues, right? wanna tell me why?"

renjun sighed before nodding.

          "my mom abandoned me. like how someone would abandon a dog. she left me in the middle of nowhere, leaving me to die. thankfully, someone found me before i starved to death. they took me to a foster home in china. i had a friend named elkie. she was my only friend. she said she'd be here for me all the time and my naive little self gave in to her. she told me that nobody would want me. she said that i was worthless. after that she would pretend she hadn't said any of it. one day, i was being beat up by some older kids. she saw it and joined in on the beating. i was shocked. i thought she would help me, but she ended up almost killing me. i was almost beat to death by a bunch of 13 year olds and a 9 year old. can you believe? i didnt even know kids could be so strong."

"that's horrible, renjun. im so sorry. where was yangyang?" haechan asked.

          "me and yangyang were separated by my mother when she abandoned me, but we coincidentally met at the airport in germany about five years ago. dad and pa wanted to take me to germany for summer vacation. i didn't really recognize him since hes grown, obviously. there was a part of me telling me that i knew him but my suspicions were confirmed when i saw a polaroid picture of me and him in his clear phone case." renjun explained, smiling at the memory.

"i dont know why, but i feel like i can trust you." renjun admitted, turning to face haechan.

          "ill be here for you all the time, renjun. it may sound like an empty lie, but i promise that i will never, ever leave you." haechan said as he smiled, lifting his head to look up at renjun.

"thank you"


word count: 1159

a/n: hiii! okay so i know they've only known eachother for like.. a week. but time isnt a thing when it comes to love
anyway, i was feeling soft so 💅


thank you! 💞

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