Chapter 16

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Aubrey's P.O.V

I woke up today feeling good has ever. I can't wait to get nails done and dress shopping for Brittney's birthday party.

(It's Friday but they have no school today for a teachers thing)

I woke up to go to the kitchen but Justin Stopped me and said sleep with my baby. Sorry Justin but three people are hungry and they want to eat. I said and left to go and brush my teeth.

I walked to the kitchen to get some fun but there was none so I went to my brother Jacobs house to get some food.

I left a note for Justin saying
Hey baby I went to Jacob to get food
Xoxo Aubrey.

I knocked on his apartment.

And his "wife" Amaya answered the door. ( she a short girl around 5'2 and then It weird cuz Jacobs like 5'9 she has long blonde hair with blue tips she has big brown eyes with the longest lashes I've ever seen.)

Hey Amaya I said where's Jacob?

He went to buy something I don't know lol

It cool I'll just wait I told her.

She was just about to open her mouth but I spoke before her.

Yes, I'm pregnant I said. lol

How you I was going to ask that.

I've been asked that question a thousand times already so I kinda Tell you know.

What are you having she ask?

Twins. Girls.

Aww that's adorable I hope to have twins when I ready.

I'm mean there a accident but a good accident.

Yea she said back.

I got up and ask if there's any food on here?!

Yea there's cereal in the black cupboard.


I opened it and saw some coco puffs my fav.


Amaya was just looking at me like a was crazy.

I ate my cereal and my and Amaya just say and watched Jersey Shore. But it's was 11:57 I had to go the girls were picking me up at 1:45.

And jacob still wasen't back yet.

I called him not answer.

I left and took the elevator back to Justin's and I's apartment.


No answer!


No answer I walk into the kitchen to see pickles and ice cream and strawberrys. And a note sorry baby but me and Jacob need to go down the the ballroom to help out with Brittneys birthday party.
Xoxo love Justin

Ok so I went in my room the connected bathroom and I took of my clothes and my ring and put in in my the table and got into the shower and found the razor and I didn't want to do it. But it made me feel good and it took talk the problems away.

I washed my long blonde hair with shampoo and I used my acne wash. And I washed my areas and shaved my legs.

I got out of the shower and used my body butter lotion. That smelled like coconut.

I took out my clothes for the day mocha flowy blouse and my pink skinny jeans with my brown wedges and my gold neckless and my blue bracelets.

Hey I might be pregnant but I can still rock heals.

The girls texted me outside from my house and told me to come outside I grabbed 3 chocolate bars. And left

I got into the car. Hey girls!

Hey they all spoke

Chantelle was driving. So Said Chantelle were going to the mall then to the nail salon and Tomorrow we're taking you to the hair salon.

Ok I spoke we walked into the mall. And we first went to "Big Puffy and Beautiful" to find a dress.

Brittney found a beautiful dress (pic above) It was this light blue turquoise color with sliver lining around the top and the stomach area.

She went in and tried it on she looks so stunning in her dress Brittneys not Beautiful I'm so jealous. I mean she can dance so good.

Chantelle next came out with this Blue dress with a cut up from her knee. It also had a sliver pattern sequence around the stomach area she looked to flawless it wasen't even real. (Pic above)

My and Aubrey and Novella looked Untill forever and we could find anything Until we stumbled upon a store. "Chartels"

We walk into there and we look and look but then I found the perfect dress it has a sliver top and a pink bottom (pic above).

Then Audrey found her dress a black top with a sliver belt going across the shoulder and and the black bottom part of the dress (pic above)

One more person and that person was Novella. Then we all found the perfect dress for her it was purple with a sliver stop area its was stunning.

We went and paid for our clothes.

We went to get our nails done.

I picked out the pink sparkly gel with my ring finger in a pink and white zig zag. (Pick above)

Then Aubrey got a half white half pink (pic above)

Brittney got this gorgeous turquoise nail. With a bunch of designs. On it. ( pic above)

Chantelle got a pink nails will a lot of designs on it to hearts and stuff (pics above)

Then we all went out to get some food. We got pizza. I was so hungry I could eat a whole pizza with twins. I spoke.

We got to the restaurant.

Hi my name is Dylan. Can I take your order?

Yes we have one cheese and two pepperoni pizzas please?.

He winked at me I felt awkward.


I take a orange soda I spoke
I'll take a coke said Chantelle
Me too said Brittney.
And I will take a Rootbeer said Novella.

Ok I be up with your orders.

-food come-

We all eat and leave.

They drop me off at home and I instantly fall on the couch. Into a deep sleep

It happened with Unexpectedly with Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now