this ain't it chief

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i hate everything right now

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i hate everything right now.

today absolutely sucked. you know, i thought i was gonna have a smooth time at the urgent care. but you know? my heart rate and pulse absolutely hate me so there's that.

i'm sadly still the same height and i gained like two or three pounds and i'm still angry about that too.

i just literally hate everything.

i've just had it today. i swear that someone is gonna end up ticking me off and i'm gonna be angry as hell.


i've literally had it. i've had it. i'm done. SOOOOO done.

i start my junior year of high school in 20 days and i'm not looking forward to it at all.

i just wanna stay cooped inside my room forever and just not come out. i'm seriously dreading everything right now and i feel like shit.

i was in line at walmart with my mom and i was investing in an ad astra story but nah, fuck that. probably won't happen for a while.

in conclusion, i feel like shit. i don't know what to do at this point.

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