Chapter 2 - Lucky

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It's been three weeks since school started and things have been great so far. I was skeptical at first because I thought I'd have a hard time adjusting to a college prep class but I'm doing fine. Though I have to thank the deities because they let me have Miyazono as my seatmate.

She's amazing.

On the first day of school, our classmates appointed her as the class representative. It turns out that she was also in Class 1-6 last year. Here in Inarizaki, only students with the highest admission test scores get into that class.

Although I have to admit that I thought Ichinose would be our class rep. Ichinose Kou is quite popular, mainly because of his looks and intelligence. He made history and climbed the ranks of the student council, gaining a spot despite being only a first year. Right now, he's the vice president. I remember him because a lot of girls in my previous class were his fangirls. However, they were too scared to approach him because he looks intimidating.

Apparently, he and Miyazono are always competing for the Top 1 spot in every subject. Though it always ends with the latter being the victor. Despite being rivals, they seem to radiate an air of friendliness around them when they're together. He was also supposed to be a class rep along with Miyazono but he forfeited his spot because of the student council.

I barely know her but I can say that Miyazono is one of the most responsible people I've ever met. She also helps me everytime and keeps me company.

Apparently, only 5 people, including myself, were able to get into Class 2-6. Three from 1-5, one from 1-3 and yours truly from 1-4. The rest of our classmates were originally from 1-6. By the time school started, they have already formed their own friend groups. I don't mind being alone, but some company would've been nice. It's a good thing Miyazono's there. Words cannot express how grateful I am to her.

After weeks of talking, we finally decided to drop all the formalities. Although we still aren't close enough to be on a first-name-basis.


Right now, we're on our way to the cafeteria. She will sit with us, at the volleyball team's table because we have a by-pair quiz in calculus after lunch. We need to maximize our review time since the other subjects already kept us occupied. I asked her if she'll be okay with sitting in a table full of boys and she said she doesn't mind.

I think Aran's the only one who knows her. Last week, I couldn't help it and found myself expressing my amazement towards her to Aran. He just smirked at me and said.

"Oya, Kita talking about a girl?"

I just glared at him while he continued talking. "You know, for someone so observant, I'm surprised that you don't know who she is. Her name's practically all over the bulletin board. Though she doesn't stand out that much."

Speaking of the volleyball club, we have new recruits from the first years. They just joined the club but they already showcased their promising potential. The most talented one would have to be Miya Atsumu, our captain said that he might use him as the starting setter during our tournaments. His twin brother, Osamu, is also a powerful hitter. I'm sure they'd make a name for themselves someday (even though they're absolute crackheads who are constantly bickering.) There's also Suna Rintaro. He may look like a slacker most of the time, but his blocking sense is on point. I'm still surprised by the number of times that he blocked Aran's spikes. His presence would be crucial to our defense.

She didn't bother ordering from the cafeteria because she brought her own packed lunch. I texted Omimi beforehand and asked him to buy me lunch to save our time. I'd pay for it before practice.

After a few minutes, we found ourselves in front of the table. The upperclassmen weren't here so it was just us and the first years. I can see that they're shocked because of her presence. Even Atsumu had his mouth open and Osamu stopped eating for a second. I understood why, this is the first time that I brought a female friend to sit with us after all. Hopefully, she won't feel uncomfortable.

She saw their reaction and immediately introduced herself.

"Uhm, I'm Miyazono Akane, I'll be sitting with you because Kita and I have to prepare for a quiz. I hope you guys don't mind. I promise I won't be a bother."

As if on cue, the boys immediately shook their heads.

"No, it's okay Miyazono-san," Atsumu regained his composure and gave her his signature smile.

"You can come here anytime, we were just surprised," Omimi immediately followed.

"We heard a lot about you from our vice captain." Aran said with his smirk.

I looked away as I can feel the embarrassment surge in my body. Why did he have to say that in front her? She might feel awkward.

She just chuckled as I took the vacant seat next to Aran and she took the one beside me. She sat across Osamu who sat next to Suna and Atsumu. I introduced her to the boys, one by one. Akagi arrived late a few minutes later and he lowkey screamed when he saw her.

"Hi Miyazono!"

"Oh, Akagi! I didn't know you were part of the volleyball team."

"Well, I guess you know now haha."

How do they know each other?

I wanted to ask them so bad but I was worried that she might think I'm too nosy for my own good. Thankfully, Suna voiced my concerns.

"How do you guys know each other?"

Miyazono answered immediately, "Oh there was this stray dog that I found a few weeks ago. I couldn't take him home because my parents are always working. Thankfully, I bumped into Akagi that day and he volunteered to take care of the puppy."

Oh so that's where the puppy went. We never had the chance to talk about it and I never brought it up since I still felt bad for not doing anything. It's a good thing that the accident didn't leave a scar on her arm.

Now that we were free from any interruptions, we decided to start reviewing derivatives.



After that 60-item torture aka the calculus quiz, Miyazono and I just slumped into our seats. I can feel my head throbbing and I can tell that she's also experiencing the same thing. Even though we studied hard, the questions were very challenging.

Which is why we were very delighted to hear the results. Miyazono and I got the highest score, a whopping 60 out 60. Ichinose and his partner followed with a score of 57/60. As expected from two of the smartest kids in class.

She gave a sigh of relief as she turned her head towards me.

"Man that quiz was hard, you're amazing Kita, I'm lucky to have you as my partner." She gave me a smile that reached her eyes and I felt... flustered?


Oh I know, it must be because I was shocked to hear a compliment from someone so smart. Yeah, that's it.

You're wrong, I'm the lucky one.

I didn't know how to respond and my mouth moved faster than my own brain.

"Wanna grab ice cream after school?"

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