Chapter 3 - The Chaotic Team

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Akane's POV

"Wanna grab ice cream after school?"


Wait, what???

Did he just ask me to hang out after class? And did I just agree without thinking??

Is this a date??

Oh hold your horses, Akane. It's NOT a date.

He just asked you if you want to grab ice cream, it's no big deal. Geez, I'm overthinking everything. If my guardian angel is watching, he/she would probably be disappointed by now.

I just didn't expect him to ask me for a quick convenience store run. He looks like the type of guy who'd go straight home after volleyball practice. Some of our classmates are even afraid to approach him, saying that they might get roasted if they say something wrong. I couldn't blame them though. He always keeps a straight face. He isn't that talkative either, but I don't mind. Unnecessary chatter just isn't his thing.

My train of thoughts were interrupted by Kita's voice.

"Oh but I have volleyball practice, is it okay if you wait? Or should we reschedule?"

I immediately shook my head. "No it's okay, I don't mind. Besides it might be fun."

"Okay then."

He shifted his focus back to his notebook as I continued to listen to the lecture.



It's 3:15 and the teacher decided to dismiss us. Right now, Kita and I are on our way to the gym. It's funny how he can go on and on about how amazing his teammates are. He seems really proud of them and I can see that he's passionate about the sport.

I also learned that he's in charge of devising tactics to strengthen their team's defense. Although he's not a regular player. It must be hard watching the first years take his spot as a regular. But I couldn't sense any hint of bitterness when he talked about them. He even said that seniority doesn't matter on the court, it's the skill that counts. He's really thinking about the team's sake instead of his own.

We reached the gym and I saw a crowd of girls at the entrance. Kita held me by the wrist as he spoke to them in a calm yet stern manner.

"Excuse me, you're blocking the entrance."

Those words were enough to make the girls stop squealing as they made way for us. I felt uncomfortable because of their curious stares and the way Kita was holding me but I decided not to let it get to me.

What were they doing here?

Kita then shut the door as soon as we were inside. He also let go of his grip on my wrist. Now I can feel the stares from the volleyball players. Geez, why does everyone love staring?

Until I realized that I'm the only girl in the gym. Kita then led me to the bleachers.

"Sorry about that, they're the twins' fangirls. They tend to get in the way of practice so we decided to close the doors and not let anyone in. I'll talk to coach about you. Wait here, I'll make this quick."

I nodded my head as I watched him approach the coach. They talked while Kita pointed at my direction and the man looked and just nodded in approval. I decided to bow my head as a sign of politeness. Kita then gave me a thumbs-up as he went to the changing room. The players, including the upperclassmen, didn't pay me any mind and went back to what they were originally doing. I saw Akagi wave and I waved back. He's a real ball of sunshine.

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