(Special) Kuroo's "Heather"

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A/N: Inspired by Conan Gray's song, Heather. This is a special chapter which features Kuroo. It is not related to the current timeline of the story so it's up to you if you want to read it or not.

Kuroo Tetsurou was known as "Nekoma's bed head chick magnet." A lot of girls were head-over-heels for him, but the boy never reciprocated their feelings. Most of his friends were jealous, if not confused. They'd ask him questions like: "who in their right mind would reject the gorgeous captain of the cheering squad?"

"I just don't feel like dating anyone" was what he would always say.

He actually thought about dating, once. There was this one girl named "Shizune" who confessed to him after volleyball practice. She was smart, beautiful and she had long hair just like Akane. The poor girl was rejected almost immediately, but she was insistent. She asked Kuroo to let her hang out with him, saying that she would be able to change his mind. The only reason why he didn't turn down her offer was because she reminded him of his best friend in Hyogo.

Shizune was the perfect girl that anyone could ask for. She'd make bento boxes for Kuroo, shower him with compliments, wait for him to finish practice, give him chocolates before a hard test, send texts with long paragraphs about how amazing he is, and the list goes on. This saga went on for weeks and everyone in the school thought that they were dating. Word of their "relationship" reached Akane and it was the first time that Kuroo felt so angry at Kenma. He received a series of messages from her that night.

You should've told me earlier!!!
Why didn't you tell me about Shizune??
Kenma told me everything
She's very pretty omg
What did she see in you? 🤔
Just kidding
You two look good together 💓
I'm in fangirl mode now
Spill the beans when you're ready okay?
Little Tetsu is a man now
I'm so proud!!!

Kuroo didn't feel like replying. Akane had a knack for sending a lot of one-sentence messages everytime she was happy or excited. He knew that she meant every word that she said. And he hated it.

Weeks morphed into months as Kuroo and Shizune's story continued. There were times when she muttered the words "I like you" randomly and the boy would pretend like he didn't hear anything. They went to the cafes, malls and museums but only after Kuroo made it clear that it's not a date and that he's just going because he's bored. He knew from the start that he wasn't contented with Shizune, but he began to feel irritated by her presence. Eventually, he started comparing her to Akane.

Oh, she's left handed. Akane's right handed.

Why are we watching a romance movie? Akane would've picked the horror one.

Her cooking's not as good as Akane's.

Akane would've ordered the caramel macchiato instead of the latte.

She looks good in that dress but Akane would rock that outfit.

I can't believe she threw up after one roller-coaster ride. I would've been able to enjoy all the rides if Akane was with me.

Stop trying so hard. You'll never be as good as her.

Akane this, Akane that. Kuroo never stopped thinking about her. He knew that it was such an awful thing to do, but he had to end this so-called show. He wasn't fooling anyone but himself. Shizune was perfect, but she wasn't what Kuroo wanted. She wasn't what Kuroo needed.

It was lunch time when Kuroo told her to stop. It was pointless. She didn't do anything wrong, he just can't bring himself to like her. The deities seemed to resent the poor girl, because the raven-haired boy said those words in the coldest and harshest tone that he could muster. Shizune dropped her chopsticks, making a sound so faint yet Kuroo never understood why everyone suddenly had their eyes on them. She smiled and tried her best to tell him that it was alright, even with tears in her eyes before she left the cafeteria.

People always say that he looked like an asshole, but that was the day when Kuroo became an asshole.

He screwed up. He felt bad. But he didn't feel any regret. Deep down, he knew that it was the right thing to do.

Kenma avoided him. He didn't want a jerk as his best friend.

Kuroo spent all his savings on the newest Nintendo game. Kenma kept his mouth shut.

Akane was the only one who was kept in the dark. She didn't ask any questions when Kuroo told her that they called it off because they "weren't compatible."

Shizune's name was nowhere to be found on the list of second year students.

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