Chapter 7.5 - Iwa-chan's Crush?

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3rd Person POV

"Tooru, let me go, I can't breathe."

"Oi Shittykawa. Can't you see that you're hugging her too tight?"

The brown-haired boy let go immediately after hearing his best friend's voice. It goes without saying that he didn't want to hurt his precious cousin, but the main reason why he hastily loosened his grip was because of Iwaizumi. He didn't want to get smacked in the head (again). The said boy already spiked a ball directly to his face yesterday, and Oikawa thought that he should take precautionary measures to make sure that he won't end up with a concussion.

"But I'm gonna miss you, Ka-chan."

The girl just laughed and stood on her tiptoes to ruffle his hair. "Don't worry, Tooru. I'll be back before you know it. And I'll bring more milk bread next time."

Oikawa's eyes widened as he once again wrapped Akane in his arms. Thankfully, his grip wasn't as tight as before.

"Arigatou Ka-chan! You're the sweetest cousin ever."

Iwaizumi didn't say anything and just observed the two cousins. He was glad that Akane had come to Miyagi. A genuine smile was plastered on Oikawa's face from the moment he saw her at the hospital. The setter still kept his cheerful and bubbly personality, but Iwaizumi knew that he hasn't been himself ever since the incident that happened last week.

It seems that Akane already talked to him about it. A certain thought popped into his head while he was looking at the two.

"Good looks really does run in their family."

Iwaizumi would be lying if he said that Oikawa wasn't handsome. Though he would never admit it in front of the setter's face. Akane, on the other hand, seemed to grow more attractive in Iwaizumi's eyes every time he saw her. A lot of people were staring at their group, and the ace couldn't figure out whether they were checking out a) Oikawa, b) Akane or c) both. Next to them, he felt so "average."

(A/N: This is so not true. Iwaizumi is beyond average.)

He was brought back to reality when he heard their laughter stop abruptly. It looked like Akane had something to say.

"Oh, that reminds me. Is she here? I'm gonna break every single bone in her body when I see her." She cracked her knuckles while she spoke in the coldest and harshest tone she could muster. The boys felt chills run down their spine.

Oikawa gulped and thought to himself: "I changed my mind, my cousin's not that sweet."

Akane was talking about Oikawa's ex girlfriend. She broke up with him last Wednesday because according to her, he was "too obsessed with volleyball." Iwaizumi was just as furious as Akane was when she first heard the news. Oikawa may be too flirty for his own good, but his best friend knew that he really fell for the girl. It's a shame that she broke up with him because of that petty reason. Though it looks like Akane whipped him back to shape with some pep talk and of course, milk bread. Iwaizumi was the one who answered her question. He couldn't care less if Oikawa's ex would be beaten to a pulp. In fact, he would've done it himself, but hitting girls was against his nature.

"She's not here."

"That's a shame, my fists have been itching to hit her."

"You should hit Oikawa instead, he makes a good punching bag."


Iwaizumi smirked at the brown-haired boy. "Yeah, you should give it a try."

To Oikawa's relief, his cousin didn't listen to Iwaizumi's suggestion. They just burst out in laughter while Oikawa looked at them in disbelief. He thought: "Great, now they're teaming up against me." But seeing Akane get riled up only showed how much she really cared for him. The Great King was flattered by her concern.

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