Chapter 8 - Something

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Shinsuke's POV

Let's see.

Tofu? Check.
Shoyu (soy sauce)? Check.
Katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes)? Check.
Yaki-nori (roasted seaweed)? Check.

I stood outside the grocery mart while scanning the list that Grandma made. I held the yellow sticky note with my right hand while the other was holding on to the bag of groceries. We always used to go grocery shopping on Saturdays, but I had to do the deed alone since Gran went to visit Hiroto-san, her only son (aside from me, of course).

Hiroto-san is a 32 year-old man with a lovely wife and two sons. One's 3 years old while the other one just turned two. He's a simple and earnest man who manages his own accounting firm. It's evident that Gran raised him well.

I actually admire Hiroto-san and I would've loved to come with Gran, if not for school. She'll be staying there for three days to take care of the kids since the couple would be going somewhere to celebrate their wedding anniversary. After dropping off Gran at the train station and making sure that she'd be alright on her own, I proceeded to purchase ingredients to replenish our stocks.

I was about to go when I saw something from the corner of my eye.

Dark blue hair.
After all those weeks of being with that person, I've memorized her features enough to make me distinguish her from the crowd. Even if it was from meters away.

Miyazono Akane.

She stood near the train station's gate. And even though she was clad in a simple outfit, with a plain black shirt tucked inside a denim skirt and sneakers, she still seemed to stand out.

Maybe it's her hair?
No, her hair is like a mix between black and blue so it's not that vibrant.

Maybe it's the way she carries herself?
Yeah, I can see that. She always has this air of confidence around her, with her chin up and her gaze focused. It's as if she's making sure that her crown won't slip.

Maybe it's because she's beautiful?
Of course she is, I'd be a fool if I denied that.

My mind was about to go haywire as I was debating whether or not I should approach her when another person came into view.

Kuroo Tetsurou.

How could I possibly forget about him? He just visited yesterday so it's only natural that he'd still be here in Hyogo.

It's only logical.

So why am I frozen in place?

Why do I feel something heavy in my chest as I watched him playfully slung his arm on her shoulder?

What is this feeling?

"I wish Gran was here."


(timeskip) - Sunday, 12:03 PM

What am I doing?

I found myself checking my phone every 10-20 minutes. Because of this, I was (almost) always the first one to read Atsumu's messages in our group chat, much to their surprise.


Black sheep (atsumu)

George (osamu)
shut up or i'll hide your phone charger

Stripper (suna)
what did he do
is it something stupid
do u have pics
or vids

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