Chapter 4 - Ice Cream (Date)

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PLEASE READ: This chapter will be told from Kita's POV but if you see underlined text that looks like this, they're Akane's thoughts. I want to try something :)

Anyways, you guys can play the attached video while reading for more "feels."


Shinsuke's POV

After doing the usual cool-down exercises, I immediately changed into my uniform. I told the first years yesterday that I'd help them clean the gym tonight but they just let me go and said that they can manage. I wasn't able to escape Aran and Akagi's teasing stares but I just ignored them. Right now, my priority is going to the convenience store with Miyazono. I don't want to keep her waiting any longer.

After talking to the coach, I hurried outside and searched for her. I spotted her a few meters from the gym's doors. I was about to call her until I saw that she was busy talking to another guy. It's quite dark but I was still able to figure out who she was having a conversation with. It was Ichinose. I didn't want to interrupt them so I just sat on the bench while waiting for her.

They didn't seem to notice my presence and continued on with their conversation. She seemed to have fun talking to him, she was smiling the whole time. I could tell that Ichinose felt the same. His eyes were practically glued to her and they have a certain glint of joy to them. Five minutes have passed when a first year approached Ichinose. They talked for a few seconds and he left together with the first year. He suddenly turned around and bid farewell to Miyazono as he ruffled her hair. She playfully slapped his hand as he waved goodbye to him.

Have they always been this close?

I don't recall them doing friendly gestures to each other inside the classroom. Maybe it's because of the seating arrangement? We were in the second row while Ichinose's seat was in the last row. I remember Miyazono telling me that she likes to eat her lunch at the rooftop so it's highly unlikely that they eat together since I always see Ichinose at the cafeteria.

I shrugged off my thoughts when Miyazono spotted me. She started walking towards my direction and I walked towards her, meeting her halfway.

"Sorry, I didn't notice that you were there. How long have you been waiting?"

"Not that long. Shall we go?"

She gave me a smile and nodded her head as we made our way to the convenience store.


After passing Inarizaki's main gates, we turned left at the corner and found ourselves on the side of the main road. The pathway was quite narrow, just enough for two people to walk on. It was rush hour so a lot of vehicles zoomed on the street. Miyazono was walking on my right side and she was right next to the vehicle lane so I decided to switch places with her. I grabbed her shoulders and slowly maneuvered her to my left side while I took her spot. She looked confused but she went along with it.

When I was done, I spoke. "Stay there, it's safer."

She quickly understood. "Okay, thanks Kita!"

He's such a gentleman.

Silence enveloped us as we continued our walk but I didn't mind. I was comfortable with it and so was she. We reached the convenience store after ten minutes of walking. I opened the doors and let her go inside.

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